Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight!
Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight!
PG | 15 December 2015 (USA)
Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight! Trailers

The holiday season gets extra chilly as Loki and the frost giant Ymir plot to conquer the world. Marvel heroes Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor and others must stop the villains from stealing Santa's power – if anyone can actually find the mysterious Mr. Claus. Fortunately, Rocket Raccoon and Groot are also hot on Santa's trail. Heroes, villains, elves and cosmic bounty hunters collide in an epic quest that leaves the fate of the holiday and the world in the balance.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
alirodriguez-76216 If people watched this movie understanding what it is-a vehicle for the characters appropriate for the 3-10 crowd-they wouldn't be so disappointed. My toddler loves the Avengers but the live action movies popular in theaters are not appropriate for him. Movies like this and the Marvel LEGO movies, with kid-oriented plots and jokes and less violence, let him see his favorite characters without the graphic content. Don't watch this expecting it to supplement the canon from the comics etc.-it's just a capitalization on the Marvel universe's popularity and make it accessible to a wider audience.
DCfan As a fan of both Avengers Assemble and Guardians of the galaxy, I have to say this isn't the best Marvel film I have seen or the worst for that matter.Most of the bad reviews are just coming from hardcore nerds. This is really a kids movie, to be honest than an adult or a teen movie. If kids like it then that is all that matters.I do have a few complaints about the film, however. Like why were some of the voice actors changed like Captain America, JARVIS and Iron Man? Captain America and JARVIS were good for voice but Iron Man was not because the voice actor was too high pitch and annoying. They should have just let Matthew Mercer voice Iron Man and Captain America instead or just contact Adrain Pasder. Or even Troy Baker who was Loki in the movie would have been a better choice for Iron Man. What never made sense was why Star-Lord, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Gamora, Drax and Falcon were not in the movie or even mentioned even once. Apparently, Santa exists in this universe. What really annoyed me was that Reptile from TSHSS was in this movie and had his original voice actor back same with Captain Marvel even though the voice did improve and it wasn't annoying.
Ondra Rehounek When I had seen the rating of this movie I expected poorly animated movie with few stupid jokes... But I was totally surprised because I could not resist to smile to so many classic Avengers jokes - people on train had to think I was watching some really great comedy.To sum up: This movie is holiday special and should be watched with that in mind. But to be honest I hardly saw better Christmas movie than this one...Those who look for some "serious" Avengers movie, pick some of Marvel Animated Features collection but if you are looking for funny movie with some original idea how to bring Christmas topic to Avengers movie, it is worth the shot.
allisonsiil One night I noticed this was on Netflix and I thought it would be like Avengers Assemble but boy was I wrong. After reading the plot I was a already a little skeptical about watching this but they usually have at least one thing that the teen and adult fans can enjoy but this had nothing. Captain Marvel was the only thing that was remotely good about this but her character felt so underdeveloped. I really wish it had Hawkeye and Black Widow but I guess two female main characters was too much for them to handle. Also, why was Tony acting like such an a**?! I have to admit the voice was much more similar to RDJ than Adrian Pasdar's but with the voice came a whole new personality that they tried way to hard to be like the MCU. And once again Hulk is portrayed as the idiot. I know they do this in Avengers Assemble to but I'm really getting tired of the writers using Hulk whenever they need some stupid comic relief. While I'm on the topic of characters, where were Starlord, Drax, and Gamora? The way I see it is if you're going to feature the guardians of the galaxy at least have all of them. Also, WTF was up with that candyland place! I swear to god they just sucked all the seriousness of the Marvel Universe away in one hour and a half long special. But by far the worst part was that stupid kid. All he did was be an annoying little sh*t that got in everybody's way and I was ready to go X-Men Origins on his a** and sew his f*cking mouth shut by about the tenth time he said that everybody needed to believe. Speaking of believe the forced moral was yet another terrible thing about this complete sh*t storm of stupid. So they can shove their anything is possible if you believe bullsh*t right back up whoever's a** they took it from. My recommendation is if you genuinely want to watch this do it alone because you will find yourself yelling at the TV and telling the characters to die and burn in hell
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