Maroc 7
Maroc 7
NR | 01 January 1968 (USA)
Maroc 7 Trailers

The lady of a top fashion magazine doubles as a jewel thief and becomes involved in Moroccan intrigue.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
mikeolliffe This comes under the heading of 'could have', 'should have' been a decent movie. Instead, it is a catalog of wasted opportunities.Specifics: leading man Gene Barry acts like he would have been happier beating up suspects rather than romancing a bevy of beautiful babes.Speaking of babes, this was filmed during the 'swinging 60s' - so it wouldn't have hurt to have shown some of the great legs and/or cleavage. What was the point of casting the gorgeous girls if you were going to keep them covered up? There seems to have been a lack of energy among the movie-makers - caused by the heat of the location? When the hero pulls his car off the road (to avoid pursuers right behind him), there is a great cloud of dust which the bad guys would have seen - but didn't. A small detail - but indicative of the phone-it-in attitude of the production crew.
gridoon Loaded with pretty girls, exotic locations, and double-crosses, "Maroc 7" keeps your attention, but never builds too much excitement. Despite being filmed on location in Morocco, the cinematography makes the picture look cheap (or maybe I just watched a bad print), and the director has the bad habit of filming his "big" scenes in near-complete darkness, making it a pain to try and see what's going on. The male lead, Gene Barry, is a bit too old and a bit too smarmy for his "smooth ladies' man" role, but Alexandra Stewart is simply gorgeous and Elsa Martinelli is not far behind. The 60's were certainly a great decade for screen babes, and there is perhaps no other genre demonstrating that point more clearly than these spy capers. (**)
Steve Swayne Three things stand out in this film. The filming on location - including interior scenes, the Moroccan desert, and the wonderful 1960s fashions/hairstyles. An enjoyable film only marred by the weak storyline and implausible ending. I wish that more films would make use of real locations for interior scenes. Actually seeing the real world out of the hotel room window, hearing the echo in voices due to being in a small room, genuine ambient background sound - all these ingredients help to 'put you there'. If this film had been made in the mid 70s or later it would be completely forgettable. But being made in the swinging 60s gives it something... Worth a look.
dbdumonteil Although by no means a spy thriller ,"Maroc 7" has its eye on Hitchcock and too many James Bond movies.The action takes place in Morroco ,like the first part of "the man who knew too much" and the final scene between Gene Barry and Elsa Martinelli resembles a "North by Norwest" in miniature ,complete with (Morrocan ) rocks.Martinelli,Cyd Charisse and Alexandra Stewart are given here the royal treatment of beauties in the tradition of the James Bond Girls.Gene Barry,although American, looks very British ,like Sean Connery ,and he does not take seriously this story of an invaluable medallion (which used to belong to none other than Cleopatra 's and Marc Antony's daughter Salome no less).No masterpiece ,but fun to watch ,and Morocco is the real star of the film.