To me, this movie is perfection.
a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Well this is a movie about personal struggle of a mother and her son who is diagnosed with autism.I mean i am tired of seeing all these meaningless romantic comedies which are churned out these days.This movie simply the story of these two persons and how they navigate through their lives against all odds.It evokes the deepest of your emotions with it's brutal honesty and simplicity.It is about a disabled person who runs to find meaning in his life.It is a story of the triumph of human spirit.I am really surprised that they make movies like these anymore.I definitely assure you that watching this movie will change your life.A brilliant masterpiece about the indomitable human spirit.Fantastic performances from all the cast.Compelling and powerful.Highly recommended.P.S. I truly broke down after seeing this movie.I sobbed my heart out and felt strangely happy about it afterwards.
This is a film that captures the fine nuances of human emotions (or the inability to express them in the case of the autistic character). It explores in a realistic and heartfelt manner a family with an autistic child, and the outside world from which the child is protected. Thanks to a good script, good acting, and good production all round, their story was brought to life and we can really feel for the characters in this movie. On the one hand, this film is complex as it touches on many different themes (I leave it for the viewers to find out), but on the other, it is so simple as it touches on the deepest of our roots and emotions.
this film is a charming look at an autistic man who overcomes his mental deficiencies with the drive of his mother to successfully race in marathons around Korea. while this may sound like a conventional plot, the great performances by the actors playing the autistic man and his mother propel this film into thoughtful melodrama. the film is also based on the true story of a 21 year old korean man suffering from autism who has successfully won marathons in Korea with help from his mother. marathon is the top film in Korea currently and a quick sweep of the korean video shops in nyc reveals that the dvds are ALWAYS sold out.bring tissues to your screening, this is a major tear jerker worth seeing.
Jeong Yun Cheol's directorial debut 'marathon' will be without a doubt one of the best feel-good movies coming out of the South-Korea cinema this year.This moving human drama stars Cho Seung Woo who portrays a twenty year old autistic man with a passion for running with brilliance . Encouraged by his mother played by actress Kim Mi Sook , Cho Won begins to participate in local races,all in preparation for the ultimate goal 'The marathon'.To achieve her goals the mother approaches an ex-marathon runner (played by Lee kim young) who fel out of grace, to coach her autistic son and help him achieve this life-goal.Director cheol gives us a wonderful story with some 'jungle' symbolism ,and subtle humor about an autistic man who is trapped in his own world.A coach who finds back some dignity in his pupil.A mother that suffers because her child is not like the others.A brother who feels neglected by his mother,and an absent father who watches everything from a distance. At the end you can't stop but admire this movie, and it's strong cast and rave about actor Cho Seung Woo brilliant performance that will even inspire the non-autistic people to achieve theire life-goals.