| 10 May 2017 (USA)
Manifesto Trailers

An edited version of Rosefeldt's installation work of the same name, Manifesto is An outstanding tribute to various (art) manifestos of the nineteenth and twentieth century, ranging from Communism to Dogme, in connection with thirteen different characters, including a homeless man, a factory worker and a corporate CEO, who are all played by Cate Blanchett. A striking humorous audio-visual experience.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
merelyaninnuendo ManifestoThe monologues are horrifyingly beautiful that is apt for the pragmatic characters projected in this self-created malleable mythology. The writing is sharp and one of the strength of the features that doesn't waste time on attempting to connect with the viewers and instead offers them enough homework to keep them engaged and make them work for it which then inherently raises the question whether it is worth to suffer for art to this extent or not; unfortunately the definite point it makes isn't something unfamiliar and a bit redundant. On terms of craft, there is a lot to explore in here, and the primary reason would be the tone of the feature which resembles with a fine theatrical poetic act. Julian Rosefeldt; the writer-director, fails to match its witty script with execution and even with its editing that could have been a lot better. On terms of performance, it is all left to Cate Blanchett who is a revelation in here as she is her A game and doing some of her best work. The technical aspects like make-up design is plausible but the background score and costume design could have been a lot better. Manifesto is a pretentious thought-provoking policy that may have its heart in the right place but could have been supervised better.
Horst in Translation ( "Manifesto" is a German English-language film that premiered back in 2015 already, so it took almost two years until this film finally came to Germany in terms of a wide release, which really should make people think as this is a German movie like I said. It is the second full feature film by writer and director Julian Rosefeldt and here he unites with 2-time Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett from Australia, who plays a total of 12(!) characters during these 90 minutes. The consequence is that there are hardly any other characters in here and those who are are basically just minor supporting players without dialogue. I think I remember only one other character talk very briefly on one occasion, namely during the tattoo punk segment. Anyway, this is a film about art, about all kinds of approaches to art, about how art is seen and also about how art should be created. The good thing is that, even if you have zero connection with art in the sense of paintings, sculptures etc. you can still definitely enjoy the watch here. It is honestly far more important that you at least don't mind Blanchett as an actress, preferably even like her or love her. I have general criticisms that she is pretty sterile and cold most of the time, but I would not necessarily agree. I usually like her a lot and she is pretty great when given the right role, like her more recent Oscar-winning performance that was perfect for her.Back to this one here now, it is an educational film too I think and I am sure it depends on yourself with which characters in here you identify the most in terms of what they have to say about art. You probably won't find one that fits your approach 100%, but that's not a problem as you can just name several. I think the one who came the closest for me was the tattooed punk I mentioned earlier already. Sorry Chopin lovers! Another good thing is as well that the film is pretty funny at times too thanks to Blanchett's take on and Rosefeldt's writing of the characters and the scenarios we see them in. Blanchett sure gives the ultimate chameleon performance, even if this one is too "special" obviously for the Academy and several other awards bodies to pay it some recognition. And it is somewhat the exact opposite of a film like the recent Thor sequel, in which Blanchett plays a major part too. Anyway, I myself liked the watch here, even if it was not on a level where I would say it is among the year's very best or a must-watch. Back to the introduction, it is pretty telling a genuinely artistic film like this one needs so long to be released here while the Schweighöfer audience heads to cinemas on a weekly basis to honor their false heroes. But hey maybe we can be glad it got a wide release at all. It is also a big success visually looking at the excellent set decoration from start to finish. Each character gets 7-8 minutes screen time as average, but of course some get more and return later on for a second sequence, like the recurring table food sequence, while others disappear as quickly as they came. That's all then I guess. A certain thumbs-up from me for Rosefeldt and Blanchett, especially the former as I think this was a really challenging project that could have gone all kinds of wrong, but turned out as well as I expected when reading the name of Cate Blanchett, who can be relied on as usual. Check it out if you get a chance to. This may very well be the most artistic movie of 2015.
alex-1250 There is more art in this movie than in any of the mainstream movies you will find. It portrays passion for art and ideas humankind used to have in previous centuries. This passion was often expressed in a very radical language, as a result of the struggle between the driven artists and the establishment. All of that has disappeared in recent times, and all art has become derivative and compliant with consumerism.Cate Blanchett's performance in various parts ranges from great to mesmerising. I've never really paid much attention to her work up until now but based on her acting in Manifesto, she's definitely the greatest actress of our time. She's got it all.She could turn anyone into a Dadaist.
Sancar Seckiner When we watch Julian Rosefeldt's ''Manifesto'', 2015 with Cate Blanchett, we were expecting that we will find a different way of filming. Director , a German artist and film maker, - - highlights different manifestos ranging from Dada to Flux , including Lars von Trier's Dogme 95 rules for filmmaking under 13 different characters with Cate Blanchett' s superior performance. However, film is not so bright for Cate Blanchett after her two important works : Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine, 2013 and Todd Haynes' Carol, 2015. After listening 13 different characters' speech , I remembered Leos Carax' s Holly Motors , 2012 with Denis Lavant. Directors are trying to show different aspects of their view. Meantime , a new film in the critics of art, Ruben Östlund' s the Square , 2017 is worth to thinking about.