Malice in Wonderland
Malice in Wonderland
R | 05 February 2010 (USA)
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A modern take on the classic fairytale, Alice in Wonderland, set in South East England.An American law student in London. Knocked down by a black cab, she wakes with amnesia in a world that's a million miles from home - Wonderland. We follow her adventures as she's dragged through an underworld filled with twisted individuals and the lowest low-lifers, by the enigmatic cab driver, Whitey. She needs to find out who she is, where she's from and use what wits she has left to get back home in one piece. As her journey progresses she discovers nothing is what it seems, realizes that fate and life are terminally entwined, and finds true love lurking in the unlikeliest place.

Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
RavenGlamDVDCollector In keeping with the theme of this movie, Maggie Grace is naught less than the Princess of Hearts.Maggie Grace. Long, coltish legs, which she uses to full effect. Music and magic in motion. Kim in TAKEN and Faith, the muse, in CALIFORNICATION. So, I signed up for this ride...Modern remake of "Alice in Wonderland" has little similarity to the original, albeit in a distorted way, like a drug-induced hallucinatory trip down the rabbit hole of the inner psyche. Along the way, Alice meets characters loosely inspired by the old classic. The Caterpillar is a drug-happy pimp in a souped-up ride, the Cheshire Cat is a super- smooth DJ with an enticing riddle that holds the key to Alice finding herself...It's like this one is a very, very good idea, which plays out fine once we start getting into it, but then, around midway, from there on, the wheels come off and it all loses fizz. Movie turns out to be a miss by a mile after a promising first half.But all is not lost. I enjoyed watching.I'm not going to say much more. Try looking it at from my point of view. That lovely girl, look at her hands. Her hands are gentle pink-tipped creatures. Observe the diner scene, where she covers her face with her hands. See? And earlier on, when she takes out her iPod (or whatever!) Look at those pretty hands. This movie has a magical fairy princess in the lead. It has shortcomings, plenty of them. I can forgive it every mistake, at least while Maggie Grace is on the screen.Ta-ta. Wheaties.
MBunge This movie isn't much of a story. It's more like an extended exercise, in the sense it's like watching someone do calisthenics. Looking at Maggie Grace do jumping jacks while Lewis Carroll's classic story does sit ups has a certain appeal, but it doesn't do the viewer much good. Malice in Wonderland is but the barest figment of a plot dancing around Alice, the White Rabbit, the Hatter, the Queen of Hearts and the Cheshire Cat as they're transposed into a world of seedy cabbies, street thugs, mobile whores and deus ex machina time travel. If you're a big fan of people giving the story their own tweak, you might like it. If you're looking for something that stands on its one, keep looking.The film revolves around a billionaire's amnesiac daughter (Maggie Grace). She falls in with a time obsessed cab driver named Whitey (Danny Dyer). She's desperate to get back her memory, so she takes some pills from Whitey labeled "For Your Head". He's desperate to find a present for mob boss Harry Hunt (Nathaniel Parker). The girl and Whitey rush hither and yon while other characters pop up to and fro. Then the movie reveals a secret about the girl which makes both as much and as little sense as anything else.Look. Malice in Wonderland is a flick where the Queen of Hearts is a gay guy and the Caterpillar is a white Rastafarian. Get it? That's pretty much the whole thing right there and if it tickles your fancy, you won't mind watching this. There's really nothing else going on here. The actors don't get a chance to do anything but vamp, the dialog is purposefully pointless and it all dissolves into magical realism at the end.This isn't some kind of adaptation or version of Alice in Wonderland. I can only describe it as what goes on in the head of someone who reads the story for the first time after munching on some "magic mushrooms". It's fragmentary and flittering and flows over you like ebb tide. If this review seems like it's going nowhere, that's because Malice in Wonderland gives me nowhere to go. It may as well have been in claymation and acted out with marionettes.Some motion pictures are so ghastly you want to get high after watching them in order to get the stink out of your brain. You should probably snort, inject or light up before viewing Malice in Wonderland. It might help and I can't imagine how it could hurt.
Hellmant 'MALICE IN WONDERLAND': Three Stars (Out of Five) A modern day variation on Lewis Carroll's classic books 'MALICE IN WONDERLAND' tells the tale of a young student (played by the increasingly more impressive Maggie Grace, of 'LOST' fame) who's hit by a cab and transferred by the cab driver (played by Danny Dyer) to a bizarre alternate reality where she can't remember who she is and has no idea how to get home. Constantly in danger from a series of strange and even stranger characters she must solve the mysteries of herself and this new world before she loses her sanity, and of course she falls in love in the process.The movie is very original and different, cleverly written and uniquely directed, but the material is way too incoherent and pointless which does make it a bit dull at times. Still it's definitely like nothing you've ever seen before and is certainly memorable. It also frequently contains emotional scenes that are touching and thought provoking. The movie is a mystery and so is the overall quality of the film! It probably would be a lot better and make more sense if you watched it wasted. Describing it reminds me of the way some have described my texts, tweets and facebook updates.Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at:
johnstonjames I really liked this a lot. It was definitely one of the more original visions of the 'Alice' stories. A little scary at times but probably no scarier than say Svankmajer's 'Alice' film. Svankmajer's film is more brilliant but this film is not to be dismissed either. I don't know if I think this movie is genuine film noir or not. It's photography and color are so vibrant they are almost psychedelic. Something not typically film noir. But the story and screenplay definitely qualify as film noir.I don't think I've seen many movies that are as dark and sinister as this while being kind of light hearted and fun at the same time. The story can be both dark and dreary but also very whimsical and full of wonderment.The acting is excellent. The actress who plays Alice is cute and funny and also tough. The cab driver(whitey?)was great. And it's always nice to see Nathaniel Parker who is such a good actor and is hilarious and sinister as a Gay underworld king(or should I say queen?).I thought Tim Burton's movie was probably better, but this was decidedly more interesting. And it was even more for adults than Nick Willing's hilarious SyFy 'Alice'. If you are a die hard 'Alice' fan like myself, you gotta at least check this out. It's a lot of fun.