Malibu High
Malibu High
R | 01 May 1979 (USA)
Malibu High Trailers

When a high school senior is dumped by her boyfriend, her grades fall avoid failing, she begins seducing her male teachers. Thus begins her downward spiral into drug addiction and prostitution, and ultimately assassinations for a kingpin mob boss.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
John Shatzer This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I've ever forced myself to sit through. The story is boring and makes no sense. Why would she go from a good girl to a hooker in 5 minutes? Then why make that jump to hired killer? Oh and not only is the movie badly written, but the dialogue is just as bad. The acting is terrible and wooden. The production values and editing aren't much better.I watch a lot of bad movies. In fact I make a habit of searching them out. Many really bad movies are so cheesy and unintentionally funny that they become enjoyable. This isn't one of those movies. I have no clue how anyone could recommend this. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
bensonmum2 She's lost her boyfriend, she's failing her classes at school, and she has no money. What's Kim Bentley to do? The answer is obvious – become a hooker. But sex for money is just the first step for this high school student. In no time at all, she's a contract killer.Writing about Malibu High is difficult. On the one hand, the movie is incredibly trashy and has no real redeeming characteristics whatsoever. It's all so sleazy. A high school student turned prostitute turned killer – it's almost repulsive. However, on the other hand, Malibu High is a blast. Some of what I found enjoyable may have been unintentional, but the movie is just too much fun. A high school student turned prostitute turned killer – how awesome is that? Malibu High is low-budget film-making at its best (or worst as the case may be). The production values are bottom of the barrel. Lighting, sound, sets, etc. are laughably bad. Much of the music is so inappropriate that it's often hysterical. My favorite had to be the theme from The People's Court playing during the film's climatic chase scene. The acting . . . what's the point? It's terrible too.Finally, one thing in Malibu High that cracked me up repeatedly was the reaction that almost every male character had to Kim Bentley. The guys in this movie must not get out much if they consider her a hottie. There's a scene with Kim going into school in all of her slump-shouldered, figure-less glory. The cat calls had me in stitches.
Sro100 It's definitely the best story I've ever seen about a girl who wants better grades and then becomes a prostitute and then becomes an assassin. Part of the excellent "Welcome to the Grindhouse" series complete with trailers for other good trash. This movie also contains the ODDEST music cues ever; one was used on the old SCTV and they also use the song that became "The People's Court" theme. Bad acting, unbelievable plotting make this is a "MUST OWN" for connoisseurs of bad cinema. The DVD is paired with "Trip with the Teacher" another grade Z champion seemingly "inspired" by "Last House on the Left." The entire "Welcome to the Grindhouse" is essential DVD.
Woodyanders Bitchy, surly, calculating high school senior Kim Bentley (a marvelously venomous performance by tasty hot brunette Jill Lansing) ain't having a good time of it. She's been dumped by her jerky boyfriend Kevin (stolid Stuart Taylor), lives with her shrewish, overbearing mother (shrill Phyllis Benson), is still traumatized by the suicide death of her father, and is flunking all of her classes. Kim immediately starts to improve her miserable lot in life by seducing all of her male teachers and earning extra cash by servicing numerous guys in back of a van for scuzzy no-count pimp Tony (a nicely slimy Alex Mann). Things get even better for the seriously ruthless and amoral sociopath Kim when she leaves Tony and hooks up with smooth crime kingpin Lance (the ingratiating Garth Howard). Next thing you know Kim is bumping off folks for Lance as a deadly assassin (!). Crudely directed by Irvin Berwick (who also gave us the wonderfully wretched psycho riot "Hitch Hike to Hell"), with a spectacularly lurid, sordid and torrid melodramatic script by John Buckley and Tom Singer, rough, grainy cinematography by William De Diego, plenty of scrumptious gratuitous female nudity, ragged editing, a hilariously horrendous stock film library score (the "People's Court" theme plays in its entirety during a lengthy chase sequence!), terrible acting from a game no-name cast, a tacky theme song, a sizable smattering of leering soft-core sex, crummy dialogue, a mean, hard, sleazy tone, and one dilly of a surprise bummer ending, this gloriously gaga over-the-top schlock mini-epic makes for a whole lot of entertainingly trashy fun. One especially great scene has Kim give elderly high school principal Mr. Elmhurst (doddery John Harmon) a fatal massive heart attack by exposing her breasts in front of him. A simply astonishing disco dance party set piece rates as another uproariously campy highlight. A shamefully overlooked and under-appreciated exploitation crime drama gem.
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