R | 27 June 2002 (USA)
Malevolent Trailers

Troubled police detective Jack Lucas is falsely accused of a series of murders and must prove his innocence by catching the real serial killer.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Enchorde Recap: Jack Lucas, a detective, is with no apparent reason suddenly the target of a set up meant to disgrace him, and finally to kill him. His gun stolen, which he didn't report, used to kill his superior officer. Lucas is now forced to stall that investigation and at the same time find out whom and why is trying to destroy him.Comments: A decent action/thriller movie that won't go to the history as one of the great ones, but good enough to watch a night. Some good shooting, some car chases and a mystery to solve. It is maybe the mystery that is the weakest point in the story. We are early given the answer to whom, but not until the end given the reason why. So the bad guys plot to destroy Lucas almost feel random and unmotivated all the time, instead of creating a feeling of suspense. And not to mention that the entire story hinges on the stupid decision not to report the theft of his gun. Combined it made it difficult for me to really engage in and believe the story. Had it cleared those two obstacles it would have been much better.5/10
Tiny T SPOILERS, SPOILERS. This is a standard cop got framed police movie in which the cop tries to clear himself by getting himself in to more trouble. Off course there is a good-looking stripper (is this always so with cops or what??) who obviously temporarily moves in with the cop (in the Netherlands you get suspended if you do that because you lose your credibility). The only thing that's remarkable is the car chase where they and up in the shopping mall. This chase is stolen from the Steven Seagal movie "Marked for death". Only the close-ups are replaced. How cheap can you get!! If you steal then don't steal from Steven's movies because they're sacred. Maybe there should be a law which prevents stealing from other movies to begin with. The movie improves however because of the car chase so in this case maybe it should be an exception.
howdyg I do not understand why more people have not seen this movie and/or have voted on it. It's a very good way to spend an hour and a half,some evening with some popcorn,a coke and your lady or gentleman. I really don't believe this film will win any awards. It has action,sex,crime and a lot of surprises. In this elderly mans opinion it was a heck of a lot better than some of the highly rated garbage they have turned out lately. Lou Diamond Phillips, Edoardo Ballerini and the rest of the supporting cast did a fine job, with an average movie. Yes, I do know what opinions are just like. No, I do not know anyone connected to this film. I'm just not sophisticated enough to tear it up, like some seem to do with many movies.I give it a 7.
Jay Harris Lou Diamond Phillips & an actor I never heard of turn in decent, but unremarkable performances in this routine thriller, Lots of car chases & crashes etc. nothing new or different, BUT it is acted & produced competently.rating **1/2 72/100 IMDb 6
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