Lust for Frankenstein
Lust for Frankenstein
| 01 January 1998 (USA)
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Moira Frankenstein, the grand-daughter of noted mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein, has become obsessed with the work of her ancestor and she decides to pick up the family business where he left off.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Boba_Fett1138 This erotic-horror movie is an extremely annoying one. There is absolutely no story and the movie is impossible to follow, also due to the horrible accents of the main characters.Why on Earth did they ever casted two over 40 year old to play the main characters? They also managed to cast about the two least attractive 40 year old which makes this movie also a disgusting one. Yesterday I posted a comment for "Dracula Vs. Frankenstein" saying that the Frankenstein creature never looked worse, well I was wrong, this Frankenstein monster is even uglier and she doesn't need no make-up effects for that!And what is up with the endings of Jesus Franco's movies? He always seems to put in a surprise ending in his movies but problem is that the endings never make any sense and are extremely confusing for all the wrong reasons.Every time when you think you have figured the story out, it turns out to be totally different. Nothing about the story makes any sense and the movie therefor is almost completely unwatchable.And what was with those high peeping sound during the 'resurection' scene's? I thought my head was going to explode and I seriously had to turn the sound off to not go completely mad.Horrible, disgusting movie!2/10
Derek Ho While plump untalented "critics" with a personal ax to grind might rail out against Jess Franco from their sofa beds, intelligent viewers with open minds will understand that Michelle Bauer, as the Frankenstein monster, is not supposed to playing the prom queen. She's the monster and she's darned good in the role too! Director Franco twists the Shelley tale into something unrecognizable yet oddly compelling. Lina Romay, who plays the plain and unattractive daughter of Frankenstein, gets her revenge on the world by manipulating the Bauer monster into killing her father's enemies as well as a few of her own. At the same time, she allows the monster to go on a killing spree so as to extract lifeforces from her victims to prolong the monster's vitality. It's all utter nonsense but it's done with the typical depravity of Jess Franco and that makes it all worthwhile when the day is done.
Dan Cziraky Senile creator of celluloid crud Jess Franco is perhaps the only director inept enough to make gorgeous scream queen Michelle Bauer look unattractive. The star of THE TOMB & HOLLYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS might not be in her "prime" anymore, but here she looks bloated and dumpy. Yet, in films made around the same time, Bauer still looks GREAT!!! Plus, why on earth did Franco give her that ridiculous half-penis???? At any rate ... yikes, this film STINKS!!!! No, really, it's virtually UNWATCHABLE. Lina Romay -- DEFINITELY past her prime as a '70s sex symbol -- is a wretched descendant of Dr. Frankenstein who revives his hermaphoditic monster, "Goddess," and has frequent lesbian sex with it. These sex scenes are, perhaps, the LEAST erotic things ever committed to film!!!! Please, avoid this atrocity at all costs -- it's not even "so bad it's funny," it's simply PAINFUL!
matoolz2 This film (and I use the term in the loosest way possible) is a piece of garbage from start to merciful ending. It is bad in every way that a film can be bad. It is poorly shot, the sound quality is poor (you can barely make out what most of the actors are saying) and the plot is made up as it goes along. I would`nt even recommend this piece of trash to Michelle Bauer fans. Even people who enjoy watching BAD movies would be hard pressed to get any kind of enjoyment out of this film. Don`t wast your time.
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