Mommy Dead and Dearest
Mommy Dead and Dearest
| 11 March 2017 (USA)
Mommy Dead and Dearest Trailers

Child abuse, mental illness, and forbidden love converge in this mystery involving a mother and daughter who were thought to be living a fairy tale life that turned out to be a living nightmare.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Russ Hog First off, my condolences to the families of everyone who was involved in this crime. Second, this is the true crime story of a little girl whose mother had Munchausen syndrome by proxy (and probably some other stuff) and so the little girl orchestrates the death of her mom. The systematic abuse this kid faced is so bad words cannot describe what she went through. This film reminds us that Lady Justice wears a blindfold and holds scales for a good reason. I truly hope that everyone who survived this ordeal can get some help.
doggie-24384 I wonder what health problems she might have from taking and that medication over the years, she will not get good meal while she's in prisonI wish Erin Lee Carr or someone with this much talent would do a documentary on the Jerry Sandusky case and show how much this guy was railroaded
wildcatfalling I feel so bad for Gypsy! I do not understand how she slipped through so many cracks! How could these idiot doctors do these treatments and surgeries on this child without seeing the medical evidence; making them necessary! I just don't get it! I am more angry at the doctor that said she was a victim of Munchausen by proxy but did not do his duty, as far as, getting her away from her mother immediately!She suffered 20 years of abuse and imprisonment! I totally agree with her grandmother! She paid in advance for this crime and should be set free. I believe that if this was taken to trial, she would be free. I wish her nothing but the best for the rest of her life. Maybe by some miracle, Dr. Phil can help her start living sooner than later. The lawyers, the prosecutors, and the judge are complete morons in this case! Hasn't she suffered enough!?Yes, she did take part in murdering her mother! But a better turn of events would have been the doctor protecting her while her mother rotted in prison! Because EVERYONE failed this child, she really had no other way out! God bless you Gypsy!
jake_fantom Profoundly disturbing and at the same time, oddly moving, Mommy Dead and Dearest chronicles one of the strangest mother/daughter relationships on record, ultimately leading to a shocking murder. The most amazing thing about this film is that the story is told by the actual participants in the murder — and presented in a pastiche of selfies, taped police interrogations, surveillance video, and prison interviews, making the viewer feel almost as if they are present as the crime is committed and in its immediate aftermath. Unlike so many of today's documentaries, this one eschews the endless drone shots flying over the scene of the crime, the lingering but meaningless long shots of empty streets and wilting flowers. The focus is 100% on the principals of the story. The editing is lean and clean. This is documentary filmmaking at its finest.