Lucky Stiff
Lucky Stiff
| 01 November 1988 (USA)
Lucky Stiff Trailers

Ron Douglas has no luck in women, and when his bride runs away on their wedding day, he goes on holiday up in the mountains, only to be reminded more of his misery when placed in the honey-moon wing of the hotel. However he finds love with Cynthia, a beautiful blonde, and his self esteem improves. Cynthia invites him for Christmas dinner, and he accepts, only to meet Cynthia's eccentric cannibal family, and finds out HE is the main course.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Exit_of_99c_Special As mentioned in the title, this is another story by Pat Proft who has written for all a few serial comedies, including the last two Scary Movie films. Stop here if you don't like these types of films as you most certainly won't like this movie either! To be honest, I own both Hot Shot films. This is not because I love them, it is more that I know that if I need some head cleaner these can do the trick. Comedies that have crazy plots and over the top characters which won't win Oscars, but should be entertaining enough when the mood is right.Over the years, a few other programs have made direct references to this film. One was a kids program that re-enacted the 'scary ghost' scenes almost verbatim. As I was channel surfing, I had no idea what the program was, but needless to say, this film inspires.I first saw Lucky Stiff in parts while on tour in Delaware. This night had a lot of partying involved, and having this film on was perfect. For years, me and one of my band mates sought this film. I finally nailed it down and bought it as a birthday gift. That copy was lost on a subsequent birthday house fire.Now, with the DVD available, we have it once again and can rejoice in splendor of the quips, gags, and creepiness of this film. I suggest to those of you who can enjoy the Naked Gun or Hot Shot series to give this one a try. The DVD is cheap to buy online, so get it before it goes out of print! I give this a high rating for what it is against those who pan it for not being 'Gone with the Wind' or something of that caliber. I would truly offer a 6 star rating otherwise.
DonRocko So let me start off by saying that I saw this movie as part of a bargain. I was really bored one fine 1997 day and so I biked over to the movie rental store. I asked the clerk what the worst movie he had in stock was. Without hesitation he walked me over to "Lucky Stiff." He told me that he'd waive the $1 rental fee (he said it would be wrong to charge more) if I promised to watch the whole movie. So watch it I did, for free...This movie is terrible. God-Awful even. I don't need to go into plot details, read the other reviews. The jokes make no sense. The acting was terrible. I know it was supposed to be a comedy, but the stupidity of the main character was exhausting. You might try to watch it as something to laugh at, but it's so bad that it isn't even funny in that way. Avoid!
breezy_blonde Mind you I seem to be in the minority but the reason i loved this movie is because it is fun and silly. Whether it was intended to be or not i am not sure. I guess it depends what you are looking for. The first time i saw this movie, i was home on the couch late night looking for something to give me a brain break. This movie fit the bill perfectly. It is the perfect mindless fluff to watch when you are not wanting to think, giggle a little and not have to follow a story line. I actually found this site because i have not been able to find a copy of this movie anywhere and only one other person that i know has even ever heard of it. So if you are looking for brainless fun with a little bit of a twist, sit back and enjoy!
gridoon A strange mix of traditional-80s, smartassy, Chevy Chase-type, "every-ten-lines-you-get-a-funny-one" farce and sickie black comedy. Mildly amusing in spots, but utterly tasteless. There is a skiing sequence that includes the fakest-looking back-projections since "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". (**)