Night of the Howling Beast
Night of the Howling Beast
R | 01 January 1977 (USA)
Night of the Howling Beast Trailers

Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he's captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
BA_Harrison If you've seen any of Paul Naschy's other 'hombre lobo' films, you probably have a pretty good idea of what to expect from The Werewolf and the Yeti—schlocky dialogue, hammy acting, Naschy once again sporting terrible wolf make-up, some sexy Euro-totty, and a bit of unrealistic bright-red gore. In short, a fun slice of very silly Spanish monster madness.One can only presume, therefore, that it must have been one hell of a slow day at the office when the BBFC/DPP decided to stick The Werewolf and the Yeti on the Official Nasties list: the film has its unsavoury moments, as do most horror films, but there's nothing to warrant it being lumped with likes of genuinely disturbing flicks such as Cannibal Holocaust, Faces of Death and Gestapo's Last Orgy. Any violence or sadism in The Werewolf and the Yeti is handled in such a camp manner that it's almost impossible to take offence at.Take the flaying of sexy young scientist Melody (the gorgeous Verónica Miriel) by evil bitch Wandessa (Silvia Solar), for example: the effects are so cheap and unrealistic that one cannot help but find the scene amusing, no matter how repulsive the idea. Likewise, the sight of one of the scientists impaled on a wooden stake (ala Cannibal Holocaust) is rendered laughable by the fact that he is not only still alive, but also capable of holding a conversation with our hero.Also providing mucho unintentional chuckles: the scene where Naschy kills a pair of semi-naked werewolf/vampire/witch women (but only after having sex with them both, of course); the ridiculous fight between Naschy and dermatologically challenged bandit/warlord Sekkar Khan (Luis Induni); and the rousing finale, in which our hero, transformed into a drooling beast by the full moon, rescues his love Sylvia (Mercedes Molina) from the abominable snowman.It's all utter nonsense, not at all scary and certainly not nasty enough to deserve being banned, but still worth a go if you're in the mood for a bit of a giggle.
Witchfinder General 666 While most of the 'Waldemar Daninsky'/'Hombre Lobo' Werewolf flicks starring the great late Spanish Horror legend Paul Naschy cannot really be described as masterpieces, they are all entertaining and have a certain inimitable charm that can only be found in Naschy flicks. Being an enthusiastic Naschy-fan, I must say that "La Maldición De La Bestia" aka. "The Werewolf and the Yeti" (1975) is doubtlessly the most ludicrous and preposterous, and sadly also the least entertaining of the 'Hombre Lobo' flicks that I've seen; and yet it is immensely entertaining and definitely worth watching for my fellow fans of the man.Usually, Waldemar Daninsky (who recovers from Werewolf-curses and, often, death with every passing film) is turned into a Werewolf by an ancient family curse, or by an unlucky coincidence. In this film, Paul Naschy's most famous character is an adventurer and scientist, who joins an expedition to the Himalayas, in the course of which his colleague's sexy young daughter falls in love with him (of course). He then becomes a werewolf after being held in a Himalayan cave by two sex-hungry and cannibalistic pagan priestesses... "The Werewolf and the Yeti" is highly camp and cheesy (also in comparison to the other "Hombre-Lobo" flick, all of which have a delightful camp factor), and occasionally extremely illogical and confused. In about 90 minutes, the film includes cannibal priestesses, the Werewolf, demonic witch doctors and an insane Himalayan warlord who wants to be Fu Manchu, as well as a Yeti (with minimal screen-time). The first half is pretty tiresome, but the film catches up in the second half with tons of sleaze, gore and genuine nastiness as well as camp fun. The landscapes look as Himalayan as Barcelona, and the whole thing makes little sense, but that does in no way lessen the fun. Paul Naschy is charismatic as always and the female cast members are entirely hot.Since the film has little to no real suspense or creepiness it is easily the least interesting of Naschy's 'Hombre Lobo' films, but it is nonetheless highly entertaining. The fact that this impossible-to-be-taken-seriously piece of camp fun was on the UK's infamous Video Nasty list of banned films once again shows the idiocy of film censors. Definitely no must-see, but warmly recommended to my fellow Paul Naschy fans.
lastliberal Paul Naschy, the Spanish Lon Chaney, made 12 films as Waldemar Daninsky, and this video nasty is number eight. It was banned in Britain and never released there.Here, he is after the Abominable Snowman, or Bigfoot as it is known in America, in Tibet. He stumbles into a sacred cave guarded by two sisters, who are also cannibals, and they use him for breeding. He kills them, but not before they turn him into a werewolf.He begins roaming the mountain attacking the others in the hunting party. That's not the only thing they have to worry about as Sekkar Khan's (Luis Induni)bandits roam the mountain also.The Werewolf is not all bad, as he saves Sylvia (Grace Mills) from being raped. Of course as Waldemar, he is in love with her.After being captured by Sekkar Khan, they are at the mercy of the evil sorceress Wandesa (Silvia Solar). Will his curse allow him to save everyone? There will certainly be lots of nudity and torture before that happens! It was an enjoyable film with good music, and, yes, the Werewolf and the Yeti do meet and battle at the end.
dgordon-12 Werewolf vs. Yeti, cannibal vampire women. Maybe something got lost in the translation, but I really saw no sign of a plot. BUT I loved watching this movie! I would have given it a 10, but this movie has just turned me on what looks like thousands of other Spanish horror movies. I'm sure this CAN'T be the best! My quest begins now!!! There's something about the tone of this wacky 70s horror flick that is just missing from today's movies. I bet they had a hell of a lot of fun filming this movie. Today's movies take themselves so SERIOUS. I suppose if you've got millions of dollars riding on film, that demands seriousness. But I miss the days when making and watching movies was fun. Some may consider this a bad movie but there is no denying the fun.