The Vampires' Night Orgy
The Vampires' Night Orgy
R | 01 September 1974 (USA)
The Vampires' Night Orgy Trailers

A busload of tourists stops in to visit a small European town. What they don't know is that the town is completely inhabited by vampires.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
dragontiger1988 Were to begin with this stinker. Well I own a collection of famous horror films DVD box-set that happen to have this film included on. I would think by the title I would get something naughty for an adults only. I looked at the year 1974 and knew to expect something not as graphic as the kind of stuff we see today in horror/ vampire stories, but at least something worth the ride to watch. But when I began watching The Vampire's Night Orgy first problem I found with it is the dubbed English version that was on the DVD box set is terrible. It stands out really bad that they aren't putting in the right voice acting work for what the actors really were saying when the film was actually made.So the main leads of the film decide to make a detour to a village that appears no where on a map. When they arrive at night and go into a tavern it seems no one is in this village but one creepy guy with brown straight hair and a mustache that arrived shortly before the main lead characters. The creepy man tells them all he checked the whole village and no one is anywhere not even in church since the village has no churches. So they drink liquor in the tavern and everyone goes to the bedrooms for bedtime. The creepy mustache man decides to copy Norman Bates from Psycho and spy threw a whole into the wall and watch a blonde woman undress in the next room. Oh and this happens more than once during this film.Anyways to speed things up the first killing happens the first night they are in the village. The next morning everyone awakes to the village having a few more people up and running. The leader of the village tells our leads of the film sorry no one was around to welcome them last night. Everyone was at the village cemetery for a funeral. The main leads want to leave but the people insist they stay. So since they have guest they need food for them. So a big Axe man who works as a cook chops off another man's leg, so they have meat to feed there guest. Off screen the bus and the car our leads arrived in are tampered with to not start so they are stranded.The 2nd night same-thing no one is around at night it seems. A vampire countless has sex with one of the guys who came to the village only to suck his blood and throw him outside to the other vampires. Then in the next scene her fangs aren't even bloody after just killing the guy.Alright so our two main leads meet in a room the creepy mustache man and the blonde woman and discuss that things are very fishy around this village when the sun goes down. They plan to fix the severe connection to the car during that day and leave at night, only to be spy-ed on by a villager. That night they decide it is every man for himself and leave behind the others and the two of them escape. Then the vampires make there move and pile on there car and they try to break in to kill our leads but they escape only to get attacked by the countless vampire hiding in the backseat. Wonder why she didn't just attack sooner why all the other vampires were being magnets on the outside of the car. They steak the countless several times in the heart and she dissolves into acid and maggots. The man and woman decide to take refuge in the next village over to tell the authorities what they've scene. Which in reality no one would go screaming to police, "I was in a village full of vampires trying to kill me, they destroyed my car as I escaped!", unless you want them to lock you up in a mental institution. Anyhow they tell the police there story. The police don't believe a word of it and look at a map and tell them there is nothing in the area they told them they were at. So the man, woman and police go drive out there and the village isn't there. The police ask, "Are you convinced now?" The film is finally over! Well thats the plot of this film and for one it needs a different title, no sex orgy ever happened on screen, call it The Vampire's Night Massacre would be better. The music score sound is terrible and very inappropriate for scenes going on. The village and outdoor filming locations look bad like they went and filmed somewhere after a battle was just fought at. Most importantly don't waste your time and money on this film. You will just wish you could get it back after the film's credits start rolling.
Chase_Witherspoon Atmospheric and creepy tale of a group of travellers whose coach is diverted to the uncharted Spanish village of Tonia, where the locals disappear at night and emerge later as something other than human. Prolific US-Spanish leading man Jack Taylor is central to the defence, taking the lovely Alma (Zurakowska) under his wing until they can conjure an escape. A mysterious Countess (Line) and her off-sider, the town's unofficial mayor (Guardiola) try to convince the travellers to stay in town and enjoy their hospitality, boasting the best "roast" in the region - as another reviewer remarked, 'finger-lickin' good - the origins of which are somewhat dubious to say the least.Impressive sets and locations really depict a sense of isolation, and the quaint town and its characters are all effectively drawn in spite of some bizarre sub-plots. There's an axe-wielding giant ("I'm here on behalf of the Countess") who pays visits to unwitting blacksmiths for 'meat' collections, a psychopathic child with a murderous streak, and of course the aforementioned sultry Countess, the alluring and strikingly attractive German beauty Helga Line. The scene in which she passively seduces one of the weary travellers is great erotic-horror.Plenty of little oddities to capture the imagination, despite the ungainly title, Klimovsky's film is well-paced, intelligently scripted and very entertaining. Only the conclusion is somewhat disappointing. I didn't expect much, and was pleasantly surprised.
Thorsten-Krings I haver to say that I quite liked this film. The story is a mix of Brigadoon, And then there were none and a vampire film. A busload of people off to work in a remote castle have to stop in a small village because their bus driver died. The town is deserted on the first night and the group take rooms in the local Inn which on the next day is normally populated. You may guess it: the inhabitants are vampires. In order to feed their guests they chop off their own limbs which leads to a scene that almost made me throw up although no gore was involved. It is simply showing the "giant" wielding the axe to chop off a leg and then a succulent joint of roast meat in the next scene. we all know what they are eating of course and they keep talking about that delicious special flavour. Amidst nudity the members of the group are then chased one by one. The story in itself is not original but the film is very atmospheric with an isolated mountain village in Spain being a fresh and interesting location. The version I watched was the one that was cut down to about 80 minutes. Unfortunatzely they cut the nudity but 80 minutes is actuall quite a good running time for that fairly thin story. So all in all, this is quite an entertaining film. I just find it amazing how many horror films were produced in Spain duriung the last years of the Franco dictatorship.
slayrrr666 "The Vampire's Night Orgy" is an enjoyable and fun European vampire entry.**SPOILERS**Traveling through the Spanish countryside, tourists Alma, (Dvanik Zurakowski) Raquel, (Charo Soriano) Marcos, (Manuel de Blas) Cesar, (David Aller) Godo, (Luis Ciges) and Ernesto, (Gaspar Gonzalez) breakdown in a small town and decide to get some help for the night. Stumbling across American Luis, (Jack Taylor) in the same situation, they decide to spend the night in the abandoned town, only to awake the next morning to find the Mayor Boris, (Jose Guardiola) is there to offer them his hospitality. Deciding to carry on with their trip instead, they decide to leave only to find themselves stranded in town under the help of The Countess, (Helga Line) a mysterious loner who lives in a castle nearby. When they start to disappear one-by-one, they realize that the whole town has become infested by vampires and have to quickly leave the town before they become a part of the vampire gang.The Good News: This here is one of the more watchable European-horror entries. One of the best parts is that the film is filled with a sort of macabre and unusual atmosphere that makes it so entertaining. The main example is the cinematography here, which is actually quite impressive in its own way. It couldn't have been easy to successfully create an environment where the sun never really shines and everything seems to be black, gray or brown, while also keeping things on the visible side of murky. emphasizing in your face shocks over slow-motion, dry-ice driven atmospherics, creating a really nice sense of eeriness that is always nice to have in a horror film. That also applies to the few special effects, especially with the grotesque physiognomies of many of the villager extras who with the lighting and shadows on display along with the usual evil vampire grin makes them look really good, and the different amount of time that the other areas give to it through the lighting is great. The offbeat nature of the film is also illustrated by it's unusual choice of hero. Here, the lead is an unusual combination of romantic action hero with outright pervert. It just seems typical of warped European-Horror sensibilities that, throughout the entire film, he's caught spying on the female lead undressing through a hole in his bedroom wall, openly flirts with others and even has another undress in front them, but is still portrayed as the unambiguous hero of the film. There's also the several other scenes in here that have the whole package come together with bewildering effectiveness. There's even some more goodness to be found from the rather unusual events, such as the vampire getting passionate with one of the travelers in her bedroom, only to suddenly reveal those massive fangs and hurling the unfortunate victim through a window to the zombie hoards waiting below, a weird dreamlike scenes of the zombie villagers attacking some of the tourists on a bus, and a giant who selects villagers to have a limb chopped off to provide meat to feed the tourists at the inn, which also includes a rather unique revelation sequence involving a finger found on a plate, but for the most part, this one is played really straight, and there's really a lot of great atmospherics to be found. A particularly distressing scene involves one of the female passengers who gets turned into a zombie and is later seen exhuming the body of her dead daughter and mournfully dragging it away with her introduces an unexpected note of poignancy just when you think you have the film pinned down as an enjoyable but lightweight piece of b-movie fun. These here are the film's best parts.The Bad News: There wasn't a whole lot here that doesn't work. The biggest example of this is the rather diligent pacing. The vast majority of the film is much too slow and a large number of the scenes found within should have been trimmed or cut out altogether. Far too often there's scenes which either go on way too long, don't have any sort of interest about them or just take up space in the film's running time. A great one is a scene where two children are playing a game of hide-and-seek. There's nothing wrong with that, and this little game of theirs does serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things, but there's no need to see the entire game from start-to-finish. Other scenes, as the ending in the police station and the confrontation in the maid's quarters are just like that, taking up too much time getting to something that could've been done much simpler. In the beginning, there's a reason why the characters wouldn't know what was going on, but it takes a long time to eventually get to that point when it could've been an incredibly-shortened form in the film. That's the film's real flaw.The Final Verdict: A rather fun and enjoyable Spanish-vampire entry with a couple mild flaws, this is a highly watchable entry. Give this one a shot if you're into the Gothic-era vampire films or a big 70s European-horror fanatic, while those who don't really enjoy this kind of film should seek caution.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity and some Language