| 01 June 2017 (USA)
Loveless Trailers

Zhenya and Boris are going through a vicious divorce marked by resentment, frustration and recriminations. Already embarking on new lives, each with a new partner, they are impatient to start again, to turn the page – even if it means threatening to abandon their 12-year-old son Alyosha. Until, after witnessing one of their fights, Alyosha disappears.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
bricslove But is this the only way? Should this be the only way? (disclaimer: my reviews are mostly reviews of content. especially with movies like this. to me, style is secondary to content.)The inevitable becomes learned somewhere along the way. Desperate isolation becomes self-inflicted. No wonder this should happen soon after that very self gave up on watching. And no wonder the self gave up on it: It had taken for granted what was temporarily its. The self just watches, most of the time, without ever making a point of it. However only when you make a point of it will you be wary of the expectations you have forged and were not able to nourish. Life, love, the will and power to share... are not yours to keep. It is a garden that will perish in your hands, while you have been looking through it at elsewhere. Until of course, you start feeding it....This movie was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. This is 10+more stars for me. Something else.Although it's been months since I watched the movie, I am still overwhelmed by its honesty, sadness, silent SOS alarms, and beauty.I had no problems marveling at the composition of scenes even as I was getting immersed in it more by the minute.No abuse of emotions through soundtrack, which would be OK in other circumstances. Cold and bare, honest, as everything else in the movie.There was a scene that this movie burned in my brain, a scene that I will never forget. The way I see it, a fantasy science fiction movie can convey the real better than a skewed and biased account of history. Given that, the more real a movie, the more heartbreaking it is. And reality is not conveyed just by plot content. It is conveyed by how the plot is executed and the execution depends on the choices of the director and the screen writer, and being honest with these choices. Choices, in turn, depend on what push these people to write these lines and shoot these flicks. Their motivation to shoot that particular movie. That raw need.The reality conveyed to me by the scenes in this move, some very very heartbreaking scenes, is that isolation does not feed mankind. This era, teaching us that selfish individualism is freedom and that we are solely responsible of what happens to us, encouraging us to make more superficial contact only to get instant approval at the cost of losing our touch and empathy and therefore sympathy, and passing all this off as "modern cultural values"... does not feed us. It is, in fact, killing us and it grooms us for this job first. We accept to be a part of it, thinking we have no other way.What makes this movie special for me is this most sincere social commentary as made obvious by the choices of the makers of the movie as to what to dwell on. And that then dictates how long to use a scene, or a music piece, or silence, which angle to use, when to zoom in on a face and when to pan out. I was a case of success. The movie managed to talk to me. I can see what the director's been trying to say. Execution brought the content higher.The whole story is also a breathtaking pun for the parallel course Russia's fate has taken in this era of destruction of social ties, exposure to transformation by degeneration, and the consequential losses.A beautiful movie from a beutiful director, calling us to our senses, trying to shakes this barren earth of apathy off of us. ... So... No, this shouldn't always be so, it doesn't always have to come to this:Lovelessness breeds more of itself and its ilk: think of a lexicon of words here. Do not, however, make the mistake of assuming you have none left to give. Save it for the worthy, instead. Especially, all your children. Your and others' future. Force that mirror in your faces. It can only get better.
Andres-Camara It's a pity, when movies like that, they could be better and they stay in less. The movie is fine. The best, for me of the nominees in its category. But that beginning of several minutes without telling anything, landscapes and landscapes and not having taken more advantage of the child and a few moments, stops the film, make that being a movie that is good, do not get where you should have arrived.I've heard it many times and I'm sure that all that much also, that plane of the crying child is great. But it is also very well rolled. Not only has the child been crying, but also putting the mother in a part of the house to use to choreograph the child, following her with the camera. It is that it is very well thought out and realized. And seeing the boy with that face is brutal.It has a great picture. It can not be more frigid. Like the movie itself. It makes you cold. Sometimes it's too dark but great. It gets you not only in history, but also in that environment and civilization.The actors are great almost always. There is a moment that has disappointed me. When we see the father crying sitting and can not see his face, that scene, the actors fall, I do not know if the actor did not know how to do it or if the director has not been able to shoot it, but see an actor that is leaving the soul and record him without seeing him, it is a pity.There is too much sex in the movie. He does not paint anything and the sex scenes extend a lot. The director does not finish convincing me. I could have made a much better movie. He does not know how to always keep the rhythm of the movie. The movie is something distant. He does not know how to position the camera.Anyway, it's a movie to watch it
subxerogravity Well I can see why it was nominated for best foreign language picture at the Oscars but it was not my fav to win (Neither was A Fantastic Woman, which actually won)Loveless is about a couple about to Divorce not love each other. Then their son goes missing in the process.The movie is very very real. Loveless does nothing to be over dramatic with the story. So down to Earth, and it that tone it's scary how selfish people can be. Personally my favorite part was the cinematography, but I'm a sucker for films shot in the winter time.It's amazing how entertaining the film can be without any usual bells and whistles like music or over acting to make the film seem better. Just so good without it.
KrazyJoke This oscar nominated movie (Foreign movie), is one of the deepest, darkest, picture I have seen this year. Starring foreign stars that proved how much unknown potential is out there and how much these actors even tho they aren't from the same continent should be judged equaly judged at the Oscars.The movie feels and is so real, it's actually terrying and hard to watch it. Loveless shows us what we human are capable of doing and how we human never really think and how we human express ourselves. It's some dark real story that really gets you and makes you feel about people diferently and shows you how dark and awful society can be. Loveless is a film that needs to be seen, it's needs to be shared! This is an unforgettable experience, and will really kill you inside after watching it! Prepare yourselves!
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