Love, Lies, and Murder
Love, Lies, and Murder
| 16 February 1991 (USA)
Love, Lies, and Murder Trailers

This movie, based on the true story, begins with the murder of a housewife. When troubled teenage daughter confesses the crime, it looks like a solved case. But, the investigators are suspicious because of the lack of motive and spend years trying to determine what really happened.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
BreanneB I liked this movie, which is based on a shocking and chilling true story. Knowing that this really happened sends chills up my spine. David Brown is a manipulative, evil, liar, and murderer who masterminded and had his daughter and sister-in-law carry out the murder of his wife Linda Brown.It all started when they overheard Linda talking on the phone and saying that she wanted to kill David. That's when David plotted her murder. Even though Patty pulled the trigger Cinnamon took the fall for it because they knew she would do less time then Patty and David.But later the truth eventually does come out and David and Patty are charged, convicted, and sentenced as well. Cinnamon and Patty are done serving their time but David will remain prison forever. He's at Folsom State Prison in California.
matt_tawesson-1 Love, Lies and Murder, released for TV in 1991 is about the hideous case of a murder that happened in Garden Grove, California. On March 19, 1985, Linda Bailey Brown was murdered while she was asleep in her bedroom at home. David Brown, Linda's husband, is not at home at the time of the crime, but his daughter and sister-in-law are. David Brown is an evil person, as well as a master manipulator. He manipulated Cinnamon (his daughter from a previous marriage) by having her pull the trigger, and having Patti (his sister-in-law) be an accomplice to the crime. David is also the type of person who didn't care about anyone else but himself and showed no regard for his family. It was also so sick of him to get his sister-in-law pregnant shortly later on, then they get married and end up abusing the insurance money that they live on (by being extravagant). Horrible man!! I have seen this movie many times and every time I see it, I have a lot of anger towards David for plotting this crime. He thought (in his own mind, of course) that Linda wanted to have him killed so that she could take over his business and money. What a bunch of crap that is!! Linda would never have done such a thing. A person like David does not deserve to be out in society; the man will obviously stay in prison until his dying day. Poor Patti and Cinnamon; David just manipulated them. Clancy Brown, who played David, is a great actor and Moira Kelly, who played Cinnamon, was great in her role as well. Sheryl Lee (who played Patti) was great, too. Acting is superb. This movie needs to be out on DVD soon, instead of being confined to cable TV.
PWHood Sheryl Lee (after Twin Peaks and other David Lynch films) is still beautiful, still a little crazy, and still worth watching. No one (other than maybe Michelle Pfeiffer and Michelle Phillips) have eyes that are as sexy and alluring as Sheryl's. Moira Kelly (long before she grew up and had a role on The West Wing) is believable and a little scary. Cynthia Nixon (long before Sex in the City) has not changed at all in the past 10 years. She has a presence about her that makes her, while not beautiful, very sexy and intriguing. Any performance by Tobin Bell (watch him in The Firm) is always scary, suspenseful, and very entertaining. He only has a small part in this film but you won't forget it. And Gerry Bamman also has a small, but effective, part. If you are a fan of Law & Order, you've seen Gerry many, many times. This film is not yet available on video or DVD but has aired several times on CourtTV. My rating is only a 6 overall but for suspense, it gets a 7 and for not being able to figure out the ending until late in the film, it gets a 9.
bux Although you won't find a lot of big names in the cast (perhaps that enhances the production!) this is a first rate true-crime drama. As the story unfolds we find that Brown is, as the judge states, "More scary than Charles Manson." The only problem I had with the entire production, was the script seemed not fully developed, characters dropped in and out without much of an introduction or explanation. Having read the book I was more easily able to follow the story. All said and done, however, this is a good one.
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