Love Letter
Love Letter
PG | 12 June 1998 (USA)
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Hiroko attends the memorial service of her fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, who died in a mountain-climbing incident. Although Itsuki's mother says that their old house is gone, Hiroko records the address listed under his name in his yearbook and sends him a letter. Surprisingly, she receives a reply, and discovers it came from his old classmate, a girl who also happens to also be called Itsuki Fujii.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
fbcandy Hiroko, whose fiancé Itsuki died two years ago decides to write a letter to Itsuki's old address, and she surprisingly gets a reply. The person who replies to this letter is a woman who has a same name as Itsuki, and she went to the same school with Itsuki. Two women continues exchanging letters and share their memories about Itsuki. The story line is wonderful! Many things complexly related, but at last everything comes together and make sense. The story that the main character gets reply from the dead person is common, but I could not expect what happens next, and the ending part of this film. At first, I thought this film is kind of horror even though the title of the film is "Love Letter", but it is not. The story is well written, but also the characters are wonderful. I love this film and deeply recommend you to watch it.
CountZero313 Hiroko loses her lover Fujii to a mountain climbing accident. Two years later, involved with his buddy, she struggles to overcome her grief.Itsuki experienced puppy love-hate with a boy in school who coincidentally had the exact same name. Oh, and she can't shake a nasty cold.Hiroko and Itsuki live at opposite ends of Japan, do not know each other, but could pass for twins.From such small, incidental, trivial fragments of life Iwai weaves together a magical, deeply cathartic film. Hiroko and Itsuki exist in the same temporal moment, but travel through metaphysical time in opposite directions with regard to their feelings towards Fujii. Hiroko retreats from her love in order to grieve properly, and finally let go. Itsuki inches towards her memory of Fujii, finally waking up to the realisation that he was her first love. Neither Hiroko or Itsuki can make the journey without the other, their dialectical relationship propelling them both towards a confrontation of sorts with Fujii. Hiroko will bellow through her confrontation at a mountainside at dawn. A prosaic message, mundane even, one that repeats the first letter written in the film, but one that manages, as Hiroko cries it out again and again, to touch your soul. Itsuki is to be blind-sided by Fujii, when the secret of his obscure library-card project is revealed in a simple scribble, and Itsuki's fragile hopes come to fruition.There are truly funny moments in this film - Itsuki pedalling the bike to provide light for Fujii to read, Ranran's manic take as the class nutter, and most of all the nervous laugh of Itsuki's unthinking uncle. It is also very touching at times, such as when the grandfather says he will not walk to the hospital, he will run (and then wonderfully undercut when he falls flat on his face). The whole thing together shimmers with a purity and vitality that words cannot do justice to, the photography has to be seen. Love Letter is a masterpiece from a living genius.
Chaude As if there are any more comments that need to be written about how great this film was....Here is another.There are many factors of the story, and the director(also the writer), Shuji Iwai, tells them beautifully and seamlessly.Each story could stand on it's own, but in fact it is each story that moves the film.Though it originally is about Watanabe Hiroko, the character Fujii Itsuki(female) takes over the story to the end.This is a movie that makes you think about it long after it's over. That's why I bought it. So, I can watch it when ever I want. There are no life lessons to be learned(except maybe listen to the "crazy" grandpa) nor a message to take away from this. Yet, the film grips you until it's finished. Wrapped up in these women's lives and memories, and scenic cinematography that Japanese films are well known for.In conclusion. I'm still thinking about it.
Hao Zhuang No doubt, it's my permanent favorite love story. Hiroko Watanabe's fiancé died in a climb accident, she misses him so much, one day after her fiancé's(Itsuki Fujii) funeral, she had an idea to send a letter to his hometown and the address is already inexistent. She calls the letter to heaven. Unexpectedly, she get reply. Of course, she feels so weird and decides to visit the town. Finally, she finds the girl who sent the letter. She shocked when she see the girl since they have definitely same look and the love story is portrayed from here. Her fiancé has the same name of the girl, Itsuki Fujii. He loved the girl so deep, but he never reveal his mind, he hided his love in mind. He would be Hiroko Watanabe's fiancé just because they have same look. In the end, female Itsuki Fujii understand his love, she receives a book-borrow card and see her drawing painted by male Itsuki Fujii. But everything's gone. I heard of a number of girls ask their boyfriends do you really love me or just love somebody else looks like me when they leave cinema. It's surely a joke. The movie tells a very tragic story, but still beautiful. I saw the aesthetic sensibility just belongs to oriental. The story moves not very fast, but I can taste an implicit feeling, no sexuality no action scene no drugs even no kiss. Do you believe a Hollywoodized love story could be without all these elements, my answer is absolutely impossible. Love could be simple but not means kinda boring if only it's genuine. It brought tears first time when I watching a film. Thanks for the director Shunji Iwai, he brought an unique oriental style to the world. I also wanna look his APRIL STORY, I assure that's another excellent movie. 10 out of 10.
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