Love by the Book
Love by the Book
| 24 January 2015 (USA)
Love by the Book Trailers

Bookstore owner Emma believes in fairy tales. Although she has yet to be swept away by prince charming, she sees real knight in shining armor potential with a new suitor, Landon. As Emma balances time with Landon and saving her bookstore with once irritating business consultant, Eric, however, she weighs storybook romance against genuine commitment. While she sorts out her feelings toward Landon and Eric, as well as toward love and romance, Emma begins to realize that fairytale endings aren't always by the book.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
jarvisa-75846 I have no idea why this actress was chosen. Is her acting really this terrible or did the producers make her into this awful character? As if the high pitched, whining, little girl voice wasn't enough, the female protagonist in capable of holding a logical thought or a reasonable conversation. Unable to see past her bias against the only person genuinely trying his best to improve her business. Is this how people see women? As completely closed minded (even in the face of evidence - the guy improved book sales) and done in by fantasy and whims? No wonder she couldn't finance her bookstore on her own. The only reason this receives 2 stars instead of 1 is because some of the other actors showed some skill. Absolutely atrocious portrayal of a young woman. I like romance as much as the other woman, but I couldn't stomach more than 20 minutes of this trash.
jillian-owens I'm a sucker for a good Hallmark/Lifetime/ABC Family movie. I've have never, to this point, left one unfinished. I'm one of those people that never leaves a book unfinished or stops a movie early because I always want to know how it ends.That said.. this is the worst acting I have seen so far; and I'm comparing this to other made-for-TV-moves. I think I am at the 13 minute mark and Leah Renee and the character she plays is like a knife to my stomach. Maybe the director was trying to make her seem like a hard up Disney princess type... but the voice, the hesitations in her acting (?)...horrible. I. Just. Can't.
rebekahrox Not one of the better Hallmarks, made even worse by Leah Renee who plays the heroine, Emma Graham, the totally clueless bookstore owner. This Kate Upton lookalike talks in a little girl breathy mincing way which actually kinda fits with her character who is so dumb she does not even know her business is failing, has zero business sense, and does not even know what the internet is for. She seems to regard her bookstore as a fun cute way to indulge her romantic fantasies instead of a business that the community and her employees might find valuable to their lives and livelihoods. When the son of her major investor (what...why?) sent to save her business offers a 20 % discount on the book she is reading to the kiddies during story hour, she is horrified. Imagine! A retailer having the crassness to actually try to (gasp!) sell something! Why is she in retail? Please tell me. She just should have been a librarian. One little tidbit that I found quite amusing was all the fake book titles used in creating this bookstore romance.Of course she hates the guy who is pointing out all of her obviously stupid business decisions (excuse me, scratch the word "business") about her store and falls for an over-fed smarmy cornball who checks all of the boxes of her "Prince Charming". Halfway through she finally gets hit with a cluestick and climbs out of her ivory tower and starts to see some sense in business and in romance. Kristopher Turner who plays Eric the smarty whose business it is to save failing businesses was a doll and I enjoyed the character and his performance. He was very cute and kind of nerdy (that's a good thing). He managed to bump this treacle up at least 2 stars. Stephanie Powers is in this playing an employee of the bookstore and she looks amazing. Why they have her married to an overweight old goat who looks like he has one foot in the grave is beyond me. They should have hooked her up with getting better and better with age John Schneider who plays the rich investor. As with many Hallmarks, there is a secondary romance with Emma's sister and her fiancé which was more interesting than the primary romance. The capable actress who played her sister, looked like a slightly less stunning Scarlett Johannson. I wish the two actresses would have changed roles. That would have bumped it up another two stars. Though the script pretty much locked her in too being an idiot in business and love, it was Leah Renee's delivery which made her eyerollingly infantile and weak. Cherilyn Wilson who played her sister Jane seemed much more suitable to the lead role
boblipton Let's get out the checklist. Pretty leading lady with a squeaky voice and a rigid way of looking at the world, running an improbably successful business in an undefined town? Check. Handsome leading man to make her hate him until the inevitable moment when he turns out to be right about everything? Check. Handsome other man who sweeps her off her feet but who, we know, will turn out to be a phony? Check. Tweedly, intrusive musical score that tells you how you must feel about this particular moment whether there's anything else to raise emotions? Check. Plot proceeding almost entirely via dialogue? Check. No jokes or gags? Well then, the form book tells us we must be looking at a Hallmark Channel romantic comedy.And a particularly dire example of the beast it is. Leah Renee seems to be under orders to act like a four-year old in a Princess tutu having tea with her stuffed animals. I'd urge you to not look at it, but it doesn't show up under the title it plays on the Hallmark Channel.