The Nanny Express
The Nanny Express
| 02 January 2009 (USA)
The Nanny Express Trailers

With their mother dead, Emily and Ben torment their nannies to quit as fast as their father hires them. Till a nanny named Kate shows up and slowly wins Ben over. That's bad enough, but when her father and Kate start to fall in love, Emily sets out to break them up and match him with her ballet teacher.

Steineded How sad is this?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jpsjoy Adorable movie! I love Vanessa Marcil and the male actor in this, and together they have awesome chemistry! The little boy is adorable, and the girl is challenging but it gives the story depth. If you're looking for a feel-good rom-com with good actors, this is it! Easy, inspiring and gentle flick.
drpakmanrains Having read the reviews of this film here and on Amazon and Netflix, I wonder why those who don't like the Hallmark formula bother to watch. You know going in that the film will not be edgy, nor have overt violence, sex, or swearing, and will usually be predictable, prettier than life, and usually have some tearjerker sentimentality. This one does all these things, but I truly enjoyed it immensely. And by the way, I am not a conservative, as one reviewer believed anyone who likes this kind of fare must be. This film follows the "Sound of Music" plot points of a Nanny who takes on unruly children of a widower. Vanessa Marcil shines in the role, and the film also has small parts by veteran actors Stacy Keach and Dean Stockwell. Unlike the 20 or so previous nannies, this one soon wins over a young Uriah Shelton, the excellent star of the later 2011 film "Lifted", but can't make much progress with his 15 year old sister, who is still hurting over her mother's death in an accident. And while you know what will eventually happen, the performances and script are quite good overall, and this, at least for me, was one of the best Hallmark films. Have a Kleenex or two ready near the end. And if you don't like Hallmark films inherently, don't bother to watch and then knock it mercilessly.
aaakker What can I say; this is a typical Hallmark movie. It it's sugar sweet and "suitable for the whole family". However when I say it is a typical Hallmark movie, this is also the weak part of the movie. As with most Hallmark movies, people fall in love after meeting twice, the characters in the movie are almost flawless (for example: the main character: does charity work, watches after her sick father and works full time) and the range of emotions/desires is, shall we say "limited". Also being an American Hallmark film, the church is mentioned frequently and the main character is religious.In such movies, every character is a stereotype with matching state of mind (sad, angry, etc) and things/situations that would make the viewer think or truly care for the characters are not included in the movie as it is "suitable for the whole family". The movie is predictable and cliché. Not even good actors such as Vanessa Marcil or Dean Stockwell can save this movie in my view without a serious change of the script: something it will never get. Do not get me wrong: I love movies to be cliché and predictable to a certain point. At the end of the movie I want the main character to gain his or her love interest, have a bright looking future and the "bully/bad guy" to be punished or forgotten. But Hallmark takes this concept to a whole other level. It does not feature the real world but the world we would like it to be. And the way the nanny is winning over the children, just too easy to be believable. All nice, easy and neat. And that makes it impossible to relate to.If you like your movies to have a shred of realism (even the average romantic comedy has more realism than the average Hallmark movie) this film is not for you as it is not a movie for me. However, if you are a typical American conservative and like your movies to be bright and devoid of anything controversial this is a movie for you. And in that category this is one of the better ones
edwagreen Remember how the Von Trapp children got rid of a succession of governesses until Fraulein Maria showed up and captured their hearts as well as their widowed father. We have basically the same outline in this marvelous film.A woman with a tragic past, an ailing father and a mother already dead, becomes a nanny to two of the most obnoxious children imaginable. They have harassed previous nannies out but she turns the table on them and immediately wins the love and respect of the young son. Problem is that she can't get to first base with the 15 year old daughter. The latter is a conniving teenage stinker. When she sees that her father is falling for the nanny, she tries to get her dance instructor interested in her widowed father.This is also a story of human faith and perseverance. It works remarkably well with an outstanding cast.