Love Birds
Love Birds
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Love Birds Trailers

A male and a female bird meet and fall in love. An egg is produced and all is happy in the nest until their love is tested and fate comes knocking. A humorous love story that reflects the similarities between avian and human life.

Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Phillida Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.