| 05 October 2004 (USA)
Lost Trailers

Trapped in a maze of endless desert highways, bound by a vital deadline, and pursued by an unseen menace....Jeremy Stanton is about to take the longest ride of his life. He will learn that when you reach the crossroads of life...you must be careful which way you turn.

SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
MBunge This movie is so good it almost entirely overcomes its basic weakness.Lost tells the story of Jeremy Stanton (Dean Cain), a man who finds himself on the road from California to Nevada. Unable to take the straight and easy path to a place called Red Ridge due to storms and flooding rendering the main roads impassable, Jeremy finds himself wandering the back roads and forgotten trails with only an inaccurate map and the thoroughly unhelpful directions over his cell phone of Judy (Ashley Scott), a woman who works for this movie's version of AAA. That could very easily be the premise of a road comedy, except there's a bag of money in the trunk of Jeremy's rental car and a vicious killer named Archer (Danny Trejo) chasing after him.You might not expect too much of a film that's just an hour and a half of Dean Cain driving around the desert and talking on a cell phone, but you'll be pleasantly surprised if you give Lost a gander. This film has many strengths and only one real flaw.Dean Cain gives a good performance made even better by the normality of it. Jeremy Stanton is a man stuck in the desert, alone and unable to get where he needs to go, with a murderer lurking in his rear view mirror. Most actors in that sort of tale will start out chewing the scenery and end up vomiting it back at you. They'd give you a performance full of every overwrought emotion they can. Cain avoids that temptation and gives us a real Jeremy, who doesn't fall to pieces or morph into some movie cliché "man driven beyond his limits". Cain's Jeremy feels frustration and anger and anxiety but when things go wrong, he puts his head down and keeps on going like many people do in tough spots. Cain doesn't give you the performance you'd expect in this sort of film, and he's able to carry on his back almost the entire movie.Lost is also a very quick moving story and even when Jeremy is just driving around in circles, there's something going on. But it's not repetitive and the film doesn't just jog in place waiting to unleash this "twist" or that "shock" on the audience. Flashes of Jeremy's memories play out along his travels, memories relating to the terrible situation he got himself in and to the man he is. The car radio also joins the voices on his cell phone as another character in the story, through news reports, talk show snippets and even a motivational tape that Jeremy plays to keep his spirits up. The script also deserves credit for trying to explain things to the viewer, instead of just relying on them not thinking too hard about what is happening. Many films abuse the suspension of disbelief to cover up for plot developments or characterizations that don't make any sense. Lost works fairly hard at making sure things make enough sense that you can pay attention to the story and not have to make excuses for it.Lost does have a weakness, however, and it's a pretty big one. As fine a performance as Cain's is and as smart at the writing is, it's still not much more than an hour and a half of a guy driving through the desert and talking on his cell phone. Oh, there are moments of action and suspense and humor and I suppose the movie deserves credit for not injecting a bunch of contrived and unrealistic developments into the plot out of fear it can't hold the audience's attention. For all that though, it really is an hour and a half of a guy driving through the desert and talking on his cell phone. It held my attention, but that might not be your cup of tea.Lost is a little gem of a movie. Not a diamond, to be sure, but it's not cubic zirconium either. It's an emerald, or maybe a sapphire. Some folks can appreciate the beauty of those stones and some folks just look at them and wonder why they aren't diamonds. But if every piece of jewelry was a diamond, think how boring that would be.
patchworkcat As someone who couldn't stand Dean Cain in anything else I'd ever seen him in, I was expecting to have to tolerate his presence here to enjoy what sounded like an interesting film. In fact, for the most part I enjoyed his performance, finding it hard to equate with the sickly Clark Kent I'd primarily known him as. Understated, a decent range of emotion conveyed, perfectly good. As I approached the film, since my only concern was tolerance of Dean Cain and he came through with flying colours (blue, red and yellow...? ohoho!), you might think, as I did, that settling into enjoying a taught little sleeper with a very good premise to build on would be the order of the day. Instead, I found a few too many generic set-pieces and, worse, a couple of moments of real head-slapping "I can't believe he did that" stupidity. *****Spoilers: Examples of generic set-pieces and stupidity***** (1) Generic: Talking badly about a dangerous third-party to a friend/associate who, like you, is in the process of escaping from him, only for it to turn out he's there with that friend/associate. (2) Generic: Possible "salvation figure" (in this case a cop) spotted and approached with intent to confess or give yourself up, their expression fixed, and as you get right to them, it turns out they're dead. (3) Stupidity: Pouring the contents of the food packages along the road, and dropping the bag there - Why not just pull over somewhere and put it all in a hole?? (4) Stupidity: Taking the truck (not to mention leaving the car in plain view). You want to evade the law, whom you've already had a bit of a brush with, but now you're in a stolen vehicle?? (I didn't see him leave any money for it) (5) Stupidity: The height of it, where I really thought the film lost a lot of credibility... Telling plans, in detail, to a basically anonymous person with no reason for "loyalty" to you (the phone navigation woman). *****End of spoilers***** I also found the role of Danny Trejo a disappointment... He had high billing and I was expecting/hoping to see the sort of brilliantly menacing performance he excels at but instead we get a lot of his voice and only, to memory, one glimpse of his face in the whole film... In summary: Didn't feel I'd completely wasted my time, did watch to the end, but quite unsatisfying overall and extremely unlikely to really stick with you. Comparisons: Not to Phone Booth. "Phone Booth in a car" is a poor comparison. He's being threatened by regular phone-calls but that's about it for similarity there. The most obvious comparison to me is The Hitcher (the original), followed by Breakdown, an element of Duel and any number of "person being chased by villain/s they double-crossed" type chase films before you get to Phone Booth.
horsegoggles "Lost" is the perfect title for this movie. "Junk" would have been a good title. "Stinko" comes to mind also. I rented this movie, not knowing what to expect, because I didn't remember ever seeing it advertised. I had always enjoyed Dean Cain as Superman, so it can't be too bad, right? The entire film has you wondering if this is a sci-fi flick or what. I still don't know if it was a scifi film. It's full of flashbacks, but you will never have a clue as to what's being flashed back to. If you enjoy watching a guy drive around in circles in the desert, doing everything you probably shouldn't do in the desert, you may like this movie.
janpieter-1 Awful awful awful!!! If you want to waste your evening I highly recommend this movie.. It made wonder about the stupidity of a master-mind criminal spreading waste around, leaving maps containing his route information written on it, and worst of all: trusting a person without any reason but a sickening ending to this movie. The goofs in the movie are hard to ignore while being all around and in your face.. The car the guy drove in broke down because there wasn't enough cooling liquid in it, then he goes and sit behind a billboard the badguy pisses against while not noticing superman, and voilá: his car is fixed! Every attempt in the movie to let it be 'arty' or anything where just too obvious and annoying, the road aid parts between the scenes.. yuk.. I was a hardcore Superman fan when I was young, but this just made me want to rip my teeth out of my mouth. I watched this with 6 friends, of which 4 made it till the end without falling asleep, and those 4 remaining agreed to this being crap. And yes, that is a plot spoiler.... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SEEING THIS!!!!