NR | 08 February 2013 (USA)
Lore Trailers

Lore leads her four younger siblings across a war-torn Germany in 1945. Amidst the chaos she encounters a mysterious refugee who shatters her fragile reality with hatred and desire.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mihai Toma Lore and her four brothers and sisters are forced to embark on a very dangerous journey across a devastated Germany during the second world war. Left orphans after their parents were sent to concentration camps, the five must rely on a mysterious person in order to survive the harsh conditions they're about to face on their way to a distant Hamburg, where their grandmother lived.It's a very dramatic movie which describes in detail the cruel life that German people were living. Although I am interested in history and also fascinated by it, this movie wasn't truly capable of presenting its story in a way that can capture my attention. It is boring most of the time and inexplicably graphic. I understand that it contributes to a very dramatic atmosphere but I think that this part is exaggerated (this isn't a horror movie after all). I enjoyed the main actors but Lore's character simply made me scratch my head numerous times. She makes so many decisions that I simply cannot understand while her act in the finale is as stupid and as idiotic as the finale itself. She worked so hard to get there and still wasn't happy? It was her choice! Why wasn't she happy? Why? I did enjoy the decor and the landscapes which were well chosen and described but the overall feeling left by this movie was unsatisfying.It had potential and a good idea but they weren't fully exploited. Furthermore, from what I understood that happened in the novel it's based on ("The Dark Room" by Rachel Seiffert), the ending isn't as it is depicted in the movie, the one from the book being different in a better and much more interesting way. An average movie and nothing more.
The Couchpotatoes Lore isn't a bad movie. If it was not for the ending that I didn't really like I would have scored it a bit more. But the story, the filming and the actors were all good. It's a nice example that your kids will grew up like the parents learn them to behave. Just like dogs, you don't have mean dogs in the beginning, you have mean dogs because of their education. In this case Lore, the eldest of a whole bunch of kids, learns from her Nazi parents to hate Jews. And the rest of the story is the long journey across Germany after the defeat of the Nazis, where she has to rely on a Jew, the human being she's supposed to hate. It's a lesson for everybody, that the nationality, religion, or color of your skin don't matter. There's good and evil in any race or religion. Just don't assume everybody is bad because that makes you the bad one. Lore shows the cruel times people had to endure in wartime and even after the war. Not a bad movie at all.
Kirpianuscus a war story. different by form. but not surprising. because it is a wise, touching, admirable, strange exercise for define the essence of war. three children across a Germany in fall. a travel to comfort. as a parable because the desert, the fear, the refuges, the danger and the friendship, the love and the family becomes windows to a new reality. dramatic and convincing. a film who presents the war in a special perspective and that fact does it realistic. the oasis of poetry, the splendid performance of Saskia Rosendahl, the dark beginning and the final scene, the need to understand an universe who seems be chaotic, the transformation of the rules of an age and the joy of few delicate scenes. a film about war. from an useful perspective.
jauneoiseau For me this was a moving story which was well told however it didn't condescend to the audience and assumed that we had a basic understanding of WW2 and its implications including some kind of empathy with the characters and how confusing and traumatic it would have been to go through what they did at that time.I appreciated the ambivalent feelings Lore had towards Thomas and really relished in those moments where their eyes met and there was such a mix of tension, resistance and desire. I really wanted there to be something between them and I believe Lore did too in the end but it was all too late. I think Thomas maybe blamed himself a bit for the death of Gunter. I don't know why he walked away from them but then I don't know if the Grandmother would have had him in her home in the end as she seemed like a bit of a hard bitch.Beautiful camera work and the soundtrack was perfect.