Loco Love
Loco Love
PG | 16 March 2003 (USA)
Loco Love Trailers

Just how far would you go to get financing for your business? Donald Chandler is the owner of a restaurant who suddenly finds himself without a business or a job when his wife leaves him, taking the deed to the eatery with her. Eager to start over, Donald goes into a business partnership with Miguel Sanchez, a gardener who was taking care of Donald's lawn until he won a fortune in the lottery.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Lawbolisted Powerful
GazerRise Fantastic!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
silver-72 LOCO LOVE is predictable fun. It is one of those films that after the first ten minutes, you know where it is going, and how it is going to end. This is a straight forward story that goes from point A to point B with very few twists along the way. Boy meets Girl. Boy and Girl hate each other. Boy and Girl love each other. Boy and Girl break off their relationship. Boy and Girl get back together. Fortunately there are enough fun scenes along the way to make the journey worth taking.The beginning starts out a bit shaky with a jerky exposition and an incredibly bad mustache. It is apparent that this film was made on a very low budget. I thought I was going to hate this film. However, the story slowly became endearing. It's a Taming of the Shrew meets Trading Places kind of story.The story was hampered by the producer/director trying to be too politically correct. The relationship between Donald and Cat also seemed a bit rushed, but it worked well enough keep my interest. What made this film entertaining was the cast of character actors and the little one-liners they were given.While LOCO LOVE is not great entertainment, it is good enough to nuke some popcorn, curl up on the couch and watch this awkward, silly romantic comedy.
ragne Well, the movie is entertaining if you want to see how low can an acting quality sink. The main male lead - astonishingly horrible :(. But it does support the theory that having good looks will get you already half the way: in his case into a bad comedy with horrible cast.The female lead - i know that she can even act though not in this particular movie - how did she ever end up in such a production??!Rest of the cast - .. no comments.This movie is a must for every wannabe-actor/actress for learning what should they avoid in the future.2/10 - generous score
SCIENCEROCKS This modern Latin take on 'Taming of the Shrew' is a complete waste of your time and money! The script throws out a couple of interesting ideas and characters but never develops any of them. A Hispanic gardener wins a lottery fortune on the same night his boss gets dumped by his rich wife. In order to open a new restaurant and hang on to his home, the boss agrees to marry the gardener's shrewish, but beautiful sister. The 'crazy' Mexican clan move in with the uptight white guy and before you can say 'ay carumba' they are all one big happy family. The pacing is slow, the look is cheap and the actors are badly directed. It makes 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' look like a classic film!
L35L13 With it's 7.2 rating here on IMDB, I decided to watch this movie. However, I would give it 4/10. The script is pretty cheesy and at some moments I kept on thinking to myself, nobody in real life would actually do something like that. A lot of the time, I found the acting to reflect the script. I definitely won't recommend for anyone to put themselves through this movie unless they are just looking for a cute movie. This isn't a high quality movie in the least, it's just cute.