The Mummy's Tomb
The Mummy's Tomb
NR | 23 October 1942 (USA)
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A high priest of Karnak travels to America with the living mummy Kharis (Lon Chaney Jr.) to kill all those who had desecrated the tomb of the Egyptian princess Ananka thirty years earlier.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Platypuschow The Mummy's Tomb is the 2nd part of the original "The Mummy" franchise following on from The Mummy's Hand (1940).It's set 30 years after the events of the first film and the mummy has returned under new guidance, this time to kill off all surviving members of the Banning family who were responsible for foiling the evil plans in the first movie.This time there is no comedy, the entire tone of the movie is considerably darker!For this reason it doesn't have the same charm as the first movie but it makes up for this with better cinematography and continues the story perfectly.It does suffer all the tropes of movies of this era (And there are many) but it could have been considerably worse. For fans of classic horror cinema this is a watchable continuation of the franchise.The Good:Looks better than the first partFollows on very wellThe Bad:Remaking scenes from the earlier film is a tad sillyVery clichedThings I Learnt From This Movie:Mummys are excellent climbersIf in doubt, cry witch!Playing dead works against Mummys
Rainey Dawn 'The Mummy's Tomb'(1942) is a good sequel to 'The Mummy's Hand' (1940). The first few minutes of 'The Mummy's Tomb' is spent going over what happened in 'The Mummy's Hand' that your memory is re-freshened if you have not seen the previous film in awhile or will help you to follow the film if you have not seen the previous one. It's a good way to start a film - in particular the fact the movies where two years apart.This film features Lon Chaney, Jr in the role of The Mummy Kharis whereas the film before it Tom Tyler played the part. Both are good as The Mummy - it's a quiet role, no lines but all physical acting - one is just as good as the other.With the Kharis series, it's a matter of story in these films and not so much The Mummy himself (Minus the Boris Karloff Mummy 1932 which is a stand alone film).Overall The Mummy's Tomb is a fun and entertaining film.7.5/10
Prichards12345 Hmmm; it isn't saying much for the quality of the movie when the first 10 minutes or so of the 60 minute film are taken up with flashbacks from The Mummy's Hand. Universal were basically ripping off their own product, and displaying a cynical attitude to their audience. Later on in the story they spliced in some rampaging townsfolk from Frankenstein as if to emphasise the cheap jack nature of this effort. The two Mummy sequels which followed it were at least an improvement.The story, what there is of it, has Turhan Bey taking over from George Zucco's high priest of Karnak and transporting Kharis to New England to take revenge on the Banning family for desecrating the tomb of Ananka 30 years earlier. Why the cult waits so long is never explained. Maybe they were trying to think of a way to get the sarcophagus past customs...Cue Dick Foran and Wallace Ford getting strangled by Chaney Jr.'s lurching Mummy. Actually these killings represent the highlight of the movie, and are surprisingly effective. The rest is all ho-hum territory. A moment of amusement might be had from two townsfolk waking up the sheriff in the middle of the night to report they've seen a shadow.Turhan Bey does his best with an under-written part, but Chaney Jr is a boring Kharis. He clearly hated the role and, er literally walked through it. The romantic leads are dull, and to be honest, so is the movie largely. At least it's brief.
Lilcount Nothing will ruin a movie as much as the combination of a poor script and poor direction. This is the case with "The Mummy's Tomb."The script is leftover ideas from older, better Universal horror flicks like "Dracula" and "Frankenstein." The direction is trite and stale. The acting is mediocre. Even Chaney's Kharis is feeble compared to Tom Tyler's in "The Mummy's Hand," and the producers are foolish enough to add footage from Christy Cabanne's vastly better prequel and point up the weakness of their own film!Universal realized how bad this movie was, and essentially remade it from scratch two years later as "The Mummy's Ghost" with a much better script and better director. The result was likely the best film in their four film "Mummy" cycle, although not anywhere near as good as Karl Freund's 1932 original.Cabanne's footage raises this film to a 3. The "new" stuff is a 2 at best. Dick Foran and Wallace Ford were probably glad to see their characters bumped off so they wouldn't have to appear in dreck like this anymore!
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