Liz & Dick
Liz & Dick
PG-13 | 25 November 2012 (USA)

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On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood's most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world's greatest actors, Richard Burton - and she didn't leave. Their subsequent white-hot, scandalous love affair gave rise to the paparazzi and they became the most hunted and photographed couple on earth. Their rocky, passionate, relationship, born in front of the cameras, was subsequently captured in a series of films, including The V.I.P.s and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The last of the great, extravagant stars, flaunting diamonds, yachts and private planes, they continually seized the headlines. They even divorced and married again - only to divorce again - but remain in each other's hearts. This Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton story is a no-holds barred account of their undying, but impossible love.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
georgewi-38014 Was blown away how engrossing this TV movie was. Lindsay Logan and Grant Bowler were both excellent. After 10 minutes I no longer saw the actors just the characters. Lindsay was great, while her public life may not present so well her acting has not suffered. In fact it fitted the character like a glove. She does not deserve the negative reviews which are biased and hateful in my opinion.Good production values.A very good starting point for today's generation to understand the period. Made me want to know more.Thanks for an enjoyable watch all.
mnavarre One of Hollywood's most publicized and scandalous relationships is that of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. When I saw previews for the 2012 film Liz and Dick, I was excited about it; despite my feelings against Lindsay Lohan for the part of Taylor, I was going to be open-minded and see the movie anyway. However, once I saw the Lifetime movie, Lindsay Lohan did nothing but solidify my initial feelings against her as Elizabeth Taylor. The makeup artists, film editors, and costume designers might have been able to create brief instances where Lindsay resembles Taylor physically, but the moment Lindsay starts to speak or even move, she completely tarnishes the character and any essence of Taylor she managed to harness. I've seen better acting in a high school theater production. Lohan was simply, and very clearly, the wrong casting choice to play the great Hollywood diva, Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor is one of Hollywood's most prominent and influential actresses of all time, and the honor of playing her in a movie is one that should have been given with much more scrutiny and contemplation. It seemed to me that Lohan lazily approached her responsibilities to the part. First off, her accent and diction as Elizabeth was way off, making it hard to pay attention to anything that was actually being said. It was as if Lohan made no effort at all to capture Elizabeth Taylor's persona, voice, and demeanor. Second, Lohan owes Grant Bowler an apology for putting the burden on him to carry them through every scene. Grant Bowler did an exceptional job at becoming Burton, unfortunately, his efforts were lost whenever Lohan had the next line.As atrocious as Lindsay's performance as Taylor was, Lohan was not the only reason Liz and Dick failed to be a successful Hollywood biopic. The screen writing and storyline were extremely lacking in substance and failed to represent the better aspects of Taylor and Burton's love story. The film depicted Taylor and Burton as raging alcoholics; there didn't seem to be a scene absent of some sort of alcohol or narcotic. The entire storyline consists of love making, drinking, and fighting, all of which happens between only two characters. None of the other characters in the film are deeply developed or even included in the storyline at all. As a viewer, it's hard to engage in a film without any real substance or emotional ties to characters. Overall, this was not a good movie and I undoubtedly give it a 2 out of 10 star rating. Lohan failed to give the great Hollywood starlit the justice she deserves, and it's a good thing Taylor isn't around to see the abomination. The movie had great potential and it was something that I looked forward to seeing. A glimpse and dramatization of the great Liz and Dick love story could have been a romantic and successful movie. Capturing Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton's life and love on film is no easy feat, and it shouldn't have been handled the way it was; if they were going to do it, they should have done it right or at least without Lohan.Here are a few of my favorite Tweets about the film: @campsucks This is the weirdest episode of Mad Men. #LizandDick @NicDressel An actress who will never win an Oscar playing an Oscar winning actress in a movie that will never win any award. #inception #lizanddick @fuggirls The chemistry between LiLo and Grant Bowler is the equivalent to trying to light a cigarette with an ice cube. – H #LizAndDicK @BenWiddicombe .@lifetimetv Can we have Hilary Duff as Grace Kelly please? Maybe Snooki as Audrey Hepburn? Jazz Ponce #LizandDick I believe we've been way too hard on stars of previous Lifetime movies. For one We really owe Tori Spelling an apology… @JasonAlexander If the dead could sue, the producers of "Liz and Dick" would be in court this morning.@pattonoswalt Dear @lindsaylohan: I give you permission to Tweet me to smithereens when I do Lifetime's CHAZ BONO: THE CRUELEST CUT in March. #lizanddick Check out My Blog:
phd_travel It's hard to please everyone in biopics because everyone compares the actress to the real person and everyone comes out short. It's impossible to look and sound enough like the real person. In this movie, Lindsay Lohan looks like Liz quite often especially her eyes and profile but her accent is Lindsay Lohan. If she had tried to get Liz's diction it would have made a lot of difference. Her voice is childish instead of womanly. Grant Bowler sounds like Richard Burton but is too lean looking. Needed to gain some weight for the role and look more drunk. But in the end it's all quite fun to watch. No one would have been an exact match anyway.The story shown is fun to watch and it is interesting from beginning to end. The ups and downs of their romance make up most of the story. Liked the different European backdrops and settings (even if they were fake). Wish it could have been longer about the second time they got married.
evening1 This TV film makes a mess of some great material.Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were outrageously self-centered alcoholics and their on- and off-again romance offers great dramatic potential.While the filmmakers reference Elizabeth's mental problems -- including an impulsive suicide attempt and a later-life tendency toward psychosomatic illness -- and Richard's passive aggression, we get little more than a hint about these tendencies.We see the pair smooching, brawling, chain-smoking, and boozing but we never quite believe that they really love or loathe each other.Lindsay Lohan is made to look very similar to Liz, but the significantly older Grant Bowler looks nothing like Burton and I never quite bought in to his passion for her.The drama is framed by a peculiar interview format in which Liz and Dick have returned from the grave to kibbitz about their life together. I found it tedious and repetitious.I kept watching this over-hyped trifle out of morbid curiosity, not because it was good.