Living by the Gun
Living by the Gun
| 07 January 2014 (USA)
Living by the Gun Trailers

A man returns from the bad blood and hard luck roads of redemption to his family homestead following his brother's death setting off his niece's quest for revenge.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
mtnthai from the first lines spoken i knew this would be one of the worst films ever made. the only person who deserves any praise is the one who was able to raise the money to make it. however that was done is a miracle. if however someone chose to invest their own money in this endeavor i have a bridge to sell them.when i see films this bad they remind me of something my father once said to me when i was kid. we were at the local cinema and the film was really bad. less than half way into it most of the audience had left. i asked my dad why we weren't leaving and he said that in order to appreciate the better films you need to experience the bad ones too. but my father could have never foreseen a film this bad being released.
sylent1-9-193639 OK I love westerns, even BAD westerns but c'mon this has got to be the WORST acting in ANY movie ever made. Anyone that said ANYTHING good about this movie was getting paid. I managed five minutes and I wanted that back...and change. This is an insult to anyone that watches movies. If you manage ten minutes without fleeing even the sound of this then you are much more forgiving than I am. You had to be raised by your church going' grandma, against the death penalty. a tree hugger and be in line for sainthood to find anything redeemable in this movie INCLUDING the beginning credits. The entertainment industry must have a lot of money stashed somewhere to invest or distribute this chestnut. Watch a rerun of Rifleman....but leave this stinker where it lays.
charliewaites I've been in love with westerns all of my life and for me there is simply nothing better than watching a good one but absolutely nothing worst than sitting through a bad one and I'm sorry but this is about as bad as they come.I really did try but I could only last about 15 minutes because every time an 'actor' opened their mouth I cringed. The acting is so atrocious that at first I thought it was a spoof, then on clicking on each of the cast names I noticed that this was the only movie most of them have been in so maybe they were just friends helping out. As for all the positive reviews, if you genuinely liked the film, fine, but comparing it to The Wild Bunch, True Grit or Shane is really just an insult to some of the America's greatest film makers.
Dylan Flores I saw "Livin' by the Gun" last week and again on Sunday. I enjoyed it both times. A fellow sitting in front of us called it a modern Greek tragedy. I agree.It is a Greek tragedy set in the 1880s. This is a western that doesn't rely on endless galloping horses across open plains. It is a tight drama that depends of dialog not scenery. Still, the scenery and the locations are authentic and beautiful. Also, the tone, color and music remind me of Kevin Costner's "Hatfields and McCoys." My friend even said the "Hatfields and McCoys" and "Livin' by the Gun" came from the "same litter" The main character reminds me of Costner, Sam Elliot, and Tom Selleck, combined. His mustache my be better.
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