Live Freaky! Die Freaky!
Live Freaky! Die Freaky!
NR | 31 January 2006 (USA)
Live Freaky! Die Freaky! Trailers

In a distant future, a cult forms around the Manson Family, when Charles Manson is mistaken for the messiah. Meanwhile, in 1969, Manson convinces his followers to murder Sharon Tate.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
animegirl12182 This is the sort of movie that you choose when you want to scar your friends for life. Having a contest to see who can find the worst movie? This is your pick. Put it on and MST3K it until your sides hurt. There are so many memorable lines to repeat for years to come.A lot of people talk about being disappointed by this film. Listen, this is not a film that is meant to be watched seriously. This is up there with Vegas in Space. You watch a movie like this for the groans and tears of blood that you get from your friends. It's bad, epically bad, and that's why it's awesome.If you need a Worst Present Ever (White Elephant Gift) for Christmas or just like groans, this is the movie for you. If you want a movie to enjoy, don't bother. This is a gem and deserved to be appreciated for its epic badness.
carljessieson This was a horrible film. Thank goodness it was short or I would feel long-lasting regret over spending significant time on it. It's about Charles Manson and his "family," and how they come to murder the pregnant actress and her friends.The only reason that I laughed during it is actually a bad reason to laugh at a film, so it doesn't really deserve points. There were plenty of times when the director tried to get me to laugh, but every time I sat silently. I only laughed because it's a poorly done stop motion. Some of the scenes were absolutely ridiculous! I can't believe they even put them in the final project. They are so funny because they are so awful! Haha. I laughed at the movie, not its jokes, because honestly, the jokes were twisted. There are a few different types of twisted humor: there's twisted humor that's funny, and there's twisted humor that goes too far and is just disturbing. This movie has the latter. It has so much of it that I was getting tired by the end of the film. It was never funny, and as the movie kept going it became less disturbing, so it was just there, taking up time. I was bored, and frankly, annoyed that these characters were still on my screen. It is a short movie, but it felt long because it's just so damn not funny. It tries too hard, and it fails.I am going to give the movie a 10% because it actually had one good thing about it. When the scenes weren't absurdly sloppy, they were actually visually fascinating. The director used good colors, unique angles, and really kinda just trips the viewer out. During a couple of the scenes, I couldn't look away because the director's techniques were so interesting. I appreciate his work for those scenes, but the rest of the movie is so bad that I almost forgot his good points.It's dialogue is original, yes, but it's not funny. It tries too hard and just ends up disgusting and pathetic. If I had any affiliation to this film, I would change my name and pretend like I had no idea what it was. It's really that awful. It's a portrait of the horror of the human mind, that's for sure. It has one good point that is overshadowed by its many failures. I would never buy this movie. I would never even watch it again. Waste of time.
Hobgoblin5271 I had high hopes for this one. A stop action animated film about the Manson murders? Hell yes. Unfortunately after 10 minutes you realize that the creative forces behind this film bit off far too much for them to chew. I have a basic sense of what Mr. Roecker was striving for, and it's a shame that the richness of the ideas didn't have a chance to be properly realized here. The concept that history isn't always what happened, but how people perceive what happened is an important and mind-blowing concept to lot's of folks – however, I doubt many will walk away from "Live Freaky…" with much more than a headache and a strong sense of wasting 75 minutes. The "outrageous shockiness" of seeing puppets do things that puppets normally don't do on screen wears off after the scene in which Charlie is introduced, the songs sound like they were written during the car ride to the recording session, and the voice acting is atrocious. I can't totally blame the actors, though. The script could have used some serious editing.Very disappointing, considering the caliber of the folks involved with this project.
BJAfan I liked this movie. I agree with the above comment that it could have been a lot better and it definitely wasn't quite as "freaky" as it could have been; however, I still enjoyed it. Actually, 'enjoyed it' makes ME sound like a freak. I guess it's better to say that it was exactly what I expected it to be and although I wasn't offended by it I was definitely shocked by some of the scenes. Who knew puppets could be so obscene! Although, the only thing that I was really disappointed with was the soundtrack. For a movie with a roster full of talented punk artists...I thought they could have put out a really killer soundtrack. Big salute though, to Charlie Hanson's song "Mechanical Man". I couldn't get it out of my head for days. Other than that though...not worth the time.