Live a Little, Love a Little
Live a Little, Love a Little
PG | 23 October 1968 (USA)
Live a Little, Love a Little Trailers

Photographer Greg Nolan moonlights in two full-time jobs to pay the rent, but has trouble finding time to do them both without his bosses finding out.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
StrictlyConfidential Over the years I have certainly seen quite a few "Elvis Presley" movies.And, now - After watching Elvis here in 1968's "Live A Little, Love A Little" (which was his 28th picture) - I am completely convinced that Hollywood totally wasted him as an actor (just like they did with Marilyn Monroe).Showcasing 4 absolutely forgettable songs - I guess that this Rom/Com was desperately out to prove that (even in the late-1960's) - Elvis (33 at the time) was still going strong as the ultimate badass, hipster, loverboy.But, unfortunately - This film's trite, predictable, little, nothing-of-a-story reeked so badly of "deja vu" overload, that I was already bored to tears with it within its first 15 minutes.
Angelica Jordan Molligi Elvis Presley portrays Greg Nolan a womanizing photographer who runs into a woman on the beach and then crazy things begin to happen. She claims her name is Alice but in the movie she has three other different names so it does get confusing but by the end of the movie her actual name is said. She has different names for different moods. She puts him to sleep and he sleeps for several days losing both his job and apartment. She is crazy but funny. It is a beautiful and funny love story of Greg and "Alice". It has a combination of physical and verbal comedy which has-made Live a Little Love a little a fantastic movie. Elvis Presley adds a number of songs in this move including A little Less conversation, Wonderful World, Edge of reality, and Almost In love. This is defiantly a must see film. It keeps you on the edge of your seat anticipating what will happen next.
copper1963 I first saw this on the old "4:30 Movie" on Channel Seven in New York City. They were having an "Elvis Presley Week" for his January 8 birthday. I think this was as close as Elvis ever came to posting drug induced images on the big screen. The surreal "Edge of Reality" dream number reeks of acid tabs. Michele Carey's character gives the impression that she has dabbled in illegal pills of some kind. The milkman and "Harry Baby" are two stoned men in need of a good talking to. I could go on--but I won't. Rather, I will say there are four songs in the picture. They are all terrific. And who is that knockout Elvis sings and dances with in the party scene? She's gorgeous. Unfortunately, there is a long, vicious fight sequence in a newspaper plant when Elvis gets a pink slip. Elvis' huge dog, "Brutus," receives star treatment. The opening credits has Elvis, sans helmet, tooling around the California surf. Fans of Elvis will admire the cordial way he treats the bizarre Carey whenever she goes on one of her crazy rants. Always the gentleman, he even places a board between the amorous Carey and himself when they are forced to sleep together. Nice fellow, huh? The plot revolves around Elvis' need to find and keep two jobs as a photographer in the magazine world: one is with the conservative Rudy Valee, the other is with the swinging Don Porter, "Gidget's" dad. I like how Elvis' opening line to both of his potential bosses secretaries throws them off stride: "Tell Mister (fill in the blank) that Greg Nolan is here with the truth." Elvis your hired.
diamondgroup There is something quite entertaining about this movie, but I can't totally figure out what it is. It is certainly better than other Elvis vehicles, and I like the music. The psycho babe is about one step away from a mad slasher movie. I really wouldn't be surprise if she cut Elvis's legs off after drugging him for several days. After all, she does sic her vicious Great Dane on him and drive him into the ocean. Real light hearted and zany, wouldn't you say? She then gets him evicted and takes all of his possessions.She is obviously as loose sexually as a shovel full of peas. She even carries on with the goofy old milkman, for God's sake. Elvis gets a little wacky from mere contact with her. He apparently wants nothing to do with her, but gleefully moves in with her and socks Dick Sargeant for kissing her.I think I am trying to apply some logic to this plot and that in itself is very silly. The dog, by the way, takes top acting honors.The funniest thing about this entire film is the bedroom scene. Here is the King Stud of his generation lying next to a beautiful nymphet, who wants him badly, and there is a board between them. The Puritan's in New England live! Who would actually believe this? In real life that mattress would be screaming for mercy.Having said all of this, I do find this movie enjoyable. I really liked the attempt to bring Elvis into the Woodstock generation, with some colored lights and a guy dressed as a GreatDane.Of course, Elvis winds up with this whack-job at the end. I am not sure we ever really find out what her real name is, or her real marital status. The delivery boy, the milkman and her semi-gay ex will all be disappointed.