Little Favour
Little Favour
| 05 November 2013 (USA)
Little Favour Trailers

A short film starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Salmon and Nick Moran. LITTLE FAVOUR follows the story of WALLACE (Benedict Cumberbatch) when he is contacted by a former colleague to help him out with a deal gone wrong. 'Its been 7 years since he left Her Majesty's service and 10 years since the American Counter part who became his friend, saved his life on a joint mission in Iraq. He's migrated his skill set into a lucrative business while managing to keep his secret battle with PTSD under wraps. One day, while finally deciding to try his hand at a functional relationship, his old friend JAMES cashes in his chip and asks a LITTLE FAVOUR. How could he refuse when he owes the man his life?

Alicia I love this movie so much
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Horst in Translation ( "Little Favour" is a 20-minute short film from 2 years ago and it was written and directed by Patrick Viktor Monroe, a man whose biggest career achievement so far had been being Tom Hardy's personal trainer on "Warrior". So it is not really a surprise that his work here turned into a pretty bad film. The lead actor is Oscar nominee Benedict Cumberbatch and after watching him here, we should be glad that he does not appear in action films more frequently. Then again, he plays his usual shtick here: a man really gifted in a certain area, but who suffers either emotionally or physically even or both like in this movie.It's absolutely ridiculous how Cumberbatch beats up a couple men twice his size in here and how a little girl near the end does exactly the same. And then, if he cares so much for the kid, why would he randomly shoot around the moment he has a gun when the girl is near him. A really perfect example of bad writing. The ending isn't much better either with the guy from the beginning randomly reappearing all of a sudden at the evil guys' place. Monroe certainly tried to make a shocking film here, but completely failed. Cumberbatch proves once again that he is an actor without much range. The only somewhat okay performance was the bad guy, although he was 100% stereotypical as well. Do not watch.
Armand the presence of Benedict Cumberbatch is only good point. but it is far to be enough. the story is confuse and when it seems clear it is silly. the tension, the fight scenes, the dialogs, the ambiguous end , each must conquer different sort of public. and that purpose remains unrealistic. than, it is a slice from a story not a story itself. a kind of salad with too many ingredients, without of credible taste. and the great error remains the generous possibilities of story. the idea is not bad , the cast and a more inspired script could be ingredients of a decent movie. but a Prometheus is more important than story. and art of confusion , so large...
Viviana Batista I watched this not knowing anything about it and i absolutely love it! The story is brilliant and i was not expecting the direction it was taking.It's specially good the acting. Every actor does an amazing performance. The girl does a transformation that i was not expecting. Benedict does an amazing job acting and producing.I wish it was longer and the characters were more developed. But in the end it was an amazing experience, 20 minutes that i shall repeat a lot times to come.recommend it to everybody!
sleggin This is the most beautifully produced and brilliantly acted student film I ever saw. It is also, despite the high-quality talent, a mess and muddle of a film. The villains are hackneyed stereotypes, the dialogue cliché-ridden and the character actions incomprehensible. The directing is so poor that at the pivotal moment of the film, the action we need to see is out of frame. Loyal Cumberbatch fans will surely praise it to the heavens and his extraordinary talent is on display, but it's simply not much of a story and poorly told, at that, with the very serious issue it touches on at the end handled in an offensively shallow manner.