Little Big Soldier
Little Big Soldier
NR | 14 February 2010 (USA)
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The story of a farmer forced into conscription, who has been looking to get out of the army ever since. His great chance arrives when he stumbles upon a wounded general from an enemy state, and he kidnaps him, intending to claim credit for the capture, which includes five acres of land, and most importantly, honorable discharge from the army.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Tweekums This film is set during China's 'Warring State's' period and begins in the aftermath of a particularly bloody battle between the Liang and Wei armies. There are only two survivors; a lowly Liang soldier who survived by playing dead and a princely general on the Wei side. The former takes the latter captive with the intention of taking him home for the reward. The journey back to Liang won't be an easy one; the general's younger brother is searching for him and there are plenty of other unfriendly characters they will have to pass… not to mention a bear! At first the two don't get on but as they travel and fight various foes a friendship develops.Given that this film not only stars Jackie Chan but was also written by him it isn't surprising that there is lots of slightly slapstick action and plenty of laughs. He does a fine job as the lowly soldier and is ably supported by Leehom Wang as the general; they work well together; especially during the impressively choreographed fights. There are plenty of these fights and they are nicely varied in style. It isn't all fighting though; there is a decent amount of conversation between the two protagonists that allows the characters to develop nicely as well as being amusing. The story moves at a good pace and even though it is only an hour and a half long it doesn't feel rushed. Without going into too much detail the finale comes as quite a surprise and is far sadder than one would expect from this sort of film… it is effective though. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of Chinese cinema in general or of Jackie Chan in particular.
KineticSeoul I was expecting a good movie, but it was far from being good. The journey in this was just dull and boring for the most part. The humor in this sort of works but it just didn't know which direction it wanted to go with this. One of the main reason I decided to check this movie out is because it has Yoo Seung Jun in it, who use to be a popular Korean star until he neglected his military service. But anyways his charisma really shows in this and his acting was alright and he did the best he could with what he was given. Another negative is it's pacing is also pretty bad and just seems out of nowhere at times. The fight sequences aren't even that good and there is nothing memorable about it. Except maybe still watching the old Jackie still jumping around and evading attacks. I give this movie a 4 because I thought the ending was alright, maybe because it was sort of unexpected.4/10
Quebec_Dragon In ancient China, after a big ambush in a war, a soldier having faked his death (Jackie Chan) takes captive a general of the opposing camp and tries to get him back to his homeland for a reward. Little Big Soldier is kinda like a buddy movie, or more accurately an odd-couple road trip, except that the characters are really enemies. Jackie Chan is virtually unrecognizable (I mean that I didn't think Jackie Chan all the time while watching) except for his bumbling yet effective fighting style (or avoiding hits non-fighting style) and ingenious battle choreography. Despite what the somewhat lame title might imply, do not expect epic battles between armies, you'll get one-on-one fights and skirmishes between small groups focusing on individual battles. Jackie plays a more complex character than usual and even has some choice quiet and dramatic moments. The soldier is also quite likable made more endearing by Chan's charismatic performance. Plus, it turns out that he sings so good I thought it was someone else, but it wasn't! The general was stoic and honorable : a good straight man. The funny moments were amusing and the audience laughed a lot (was a full crowd at the Montreal Fantasia Festival that focuses on genre films). Humor is mostly of the absurd situation or physical slapstick type. The fight scenes were exciting and fast yet easy to follow (American action directors take note). There were a few shifts in tones between comedy and drama (especially one near the end) that worked surprisingly well. I didn't like the kind of washed-out pale colors throughout but as a few vivid sequences with brighter colors suggest, it was a stylistic choice. I found that underneath the hope for a better future theme, there was a sense of melancholy and sadness. I think this contributed, along with the historical background, to make Little Big Soldier deeper than the usual Jackie Chan comedy. I can understand after watching it why this project was so dear to his heart.Rating : 7.5 out of 10
PD Its been a long time since there was a Jackie movie with fun,story and good direction.The movie "Little big soldier" stands up in terms of Jackie's Action scenes, his wonderful moves,and mannerism.The movie would have gained critical acclaim if it was made in English language. Guess they wanted to make a historic/Traditional movie.Nevertheless, The movie is good. Those who were disappointed after watching an old Jackie in "the karate kid" will be really happy to see him in this movie, with a great new load of stuff.Waiting for the next action packed Jackie's movie in English.Hope he pairs up to do another Rush Hour 4 or some cool movies where he doesn't drink much