PG-13 | 20 April 1990 (USA)
Lisa Trailers

A teenage girl becomes infatuated with a stranger who is, unbeknownst to her, a serial killer.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
capri-3 "Lisa" takes me back when I was about 11 or 12 years old. Sometimes bad movies can be good if you grew up watching them. I watch this movie now and I say: "Ok it was kind of stupid, but I still like it". I don't know, I guess I am hooked on the whole fact of Lisa being this stupid kid doing the exact opposite of what I would have done. I get a kick out of watching movies; especially if it is dealing with other people's problems,it makes me feel better if I am having a bad day. Still the movie has it's suspense, and charm, and its about a 14 year old girl making really stupid mistakes, and of course paying for them! Haven't we all! I still love this movie and I'm still going to buy it!
gridoon Chilling, well-observed thriller, whose message seems to be: "Careful when you're making telephone pranks, you never know whom you might mess with!". The bland cinematography gives it a TV-movie look, but it still has natural , believable performances by Ladd and Keanan, a well-cast actor as the handsome psycho, a good ear for dialogue and some moments that would make Hitchcock proud (especially the scene where the girl is trapped in the back seat of the killer's car). (***)
helpless_dancer A young girl, looking for adventure with the opposite sex, develops a long distance crush on a handsome stranger. This leads to the man noticing her and her mom which, instead of being a nice meeting of friends, winds up putting both in danger. Good, nerve wracking chiller containing a very evil, totally sinister killer.
Larkin-2 I thought this movie was horrible!!I had wanted to see this movie because of Staci Keanan. She was actually pretty good, but the movie in itself was just horrible. It might have been an A title movie, but it portayed itself as being a B title. If you ever see this movie some where don't waste your time with it. It's trying to be suspenseful and it is pretty thrilling at times but all and all it's a pretty bad movie!