R | 01 June 1980 (USA)
Demented Trailers

A woman is gang-raped in a horse's stable, and even though the rapists are caught and imprisoned, she is harassed many moons later by ghastly visions of her tormentors, while her husband philanders and every little thing frightens her out of her wits.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** In spite of getting top billing in this film by the IMDb porn actor Harry Reems, as Matt Rogers, is in the film credits as Bruce Gilchrist in an obvious effort to hide his identity from the both public and movie credits in not hurting the films box office returns. In an updated version of the 1960 film "The Silent Spring" we had Linda Rogers get gang raped by these four silk stocking hooded creeps while feeding her pet horse that lands her in a sanitarium for some two years. Being released and into the arms of her cheating husband Matt her life never improves with Matt not paying the attention to her that she so desperately needs.Going out at all times of the day and night on emergency calls, Matt's a doctor,and leaving Linda behind and alone he's really involved in a passionate relationship with Carol whom he met while Linda was away at the sanitarium. It's on Halloween eve that three neighborhood teenagers decide to brake into the Roger's house and do some trick and treating on Linda with her husband, as usual, away on an emergency call to his secret lover Carol. It's here that the film's story falls completely apart in trying to imitate the movie 'The Silent Spring" in that the three teens, as nuts and ridicules as they are, had nothing to do with Linda getting gang raped: But ends up getting theirs-In spades-from Linda for someone else's crimes committed against her!***SPOILERS*** The three teens who brake into Linda's house end up getting both captured tortured as well as murdered by her who in one case she forces one of them to eat the cooked liver of one of her victims: That's before she blew him away with a shotgun as he was begging, while tied up, for his life. As we already knew the rapists who ravaged Linda at the start of the film were captured and are now behind bars which made Linda's revenge killings of the three brainless but innocent-in not raping her-teens no sense at all. As for Matt his crime of infidelity didn't go unnoticed with a wild eyed and demented Linda waiting for him when he came home from his latest house call.
artilevel It has been some years since I saw it, but I have never forgotten it and have been searching for it ever since, without success. It had flaws, but then what movie doesn't? I don't much like the flash, noisy, special effects laden dross that gets churned out nowadays but nearly everybody loves it seems.I've seen many revenge movies, such as I Spit on your Grave, Last House on the Left and similar type movies, like House on the Edge of the Park and so many horror movies of that genre that most of them all blur in to one eventually, but this one stuck in my mind. I'm not sure why exactly, but the fact that it stands out above all the others I've seen shows it had something about it that made it just that bit different.I'm sure some would say maybe I just like bad movies, given most of the reviews here, but then how anyone can say House on the Edge of the Park is a good movie is quite beyond me, when in reality it has been mostly instantly forgettable for me, so much the same as so many others of that ilk was it.I really wish Demented would get a good DVD release. After all, so much utter rubbish does, so if a movie that some regard as rubbish gets put onto DVD, well then, that is just another 'rubbish' movie that has been given a DVD release! And some who may never have seen it, can do so, and many will appreciate and like it, I am sure.
Coventry Well, at least this movie doesn't wast too much time on boring introductions or overlong mood-settings. The opening shows a woman caressing her favorite horse for only a brief moment, and the very next second she's assaulted by four sleazebags with stockings over their heads and gang-raped in the stable. This scene is rather short and unclear to watch, yet also rather unsettling because these guys just 'come & go' without even bothering to take their disguise off. A certain period of time later, Linda is released from the mental hospital but definitely not cured yet. Her unfaithful husband (Harry Reems – the porn king) is spending most of his time with his mistress and Linda slowly goes...well...demented! When a new gang of thugs attempts to rape her, she snaps for good. "Demented" is a typical rip off of Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left" but tries to add a (lame) psychological theme. Linda avenges herself and cuts up people with a meat clever, only – supposedly – she's in a totally different state of mind. Whatever. It's a really lame movie, with only a few suspenseful moments and a disappointingly low amount of gore and sleaze. There's the obligatory castration-sequence – thank you "I Spit on your Grave" – but you can hardly make out what's happening. Sallee Young and Kathryn Clayton are ravishing ladies, but not exactly great actresses. Give "Demented" a miss and aim for one of the thousand other underrated rape & revenge films out there, like "Last House on the Beach", "Night Train Murders", "House on the Edge of the Park" or "Fight for your Life".
gsm1usn Have always enjoyed this film - even though it may well have its flaws. Has there ever been an actress that exuded the raw sex appeal (with the possible exception of Dyanne Thorne) of Sallee Elyse? Unbelievable lady, just fantastic. A shame she only appeared in one other film. Not nearly as well-known as "I Spit on Your Grave", but a definite equal, in my opinion. Most hate this movie but I've spent many years trying to find it for sale. The few that are out there are in horrible condition or bootlegs. Was fortunate enough to locate a copy on eBay recently, although still not a factory original. Anyone else out there enjoy it as well?