Like Father, Like Son
Like Father, Like Son
G | 17 January 2014 (USA)
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Ryota Nonomiya is a successful businessman driven by money. He learns that his biological son was switched with another child after birth. He must make a life-changing decision and choose his true son or the boy he raised as his own.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Placido M. I just discovered Koreeda's films and I'm surprised, and angry with myself, I didn't know about this great director and storyteller. The film is a wonderful story about parenthood in which its hardship and beauty are well balanced.The story drives the audience into the lives of two (almost antagonistic) families who had to go through a tough situation together, a situation imposed by a third party in the past. Koreeda tell us the story by examining these two very different families. By portraying these almost antagonistic families the story creates contrast and allow the characters to grow an evolution while they discovered themselves. I will not say more... watch it if you are looking for touching, delightful and well directed story about family and love.
Sergeant_Tibbs One of my most anticipated films of 2013, I haven't taken longer to watch a film I couldn't wait for at one point. It was certainly worth watching, though not the masterpiece I expected. Like Father, Like Son's hook comes from the fact that this is a real moral dilemma Japanese families have to deal with. It's something very specific to Japanese culture and the film digs deep into how sacred bloodlines are. The film is surprisingly soft in its approach, mostly focusing on the contrast between the two fathers. Hirokazu Koreeda toes a very fine line between naturalism and sentimentality but is ultimately deeply human, provoking both thought and emotion. Ideas of fatherhood are basic to cinema, but Koreeda envelopes it here without feeling derivative.8/10
sahachiranjit32 I saw many films of Akira Kurosawa, but i didn't see any Japanese films till then.It is the best Japanese films after Akira Kurosawa made.It is a story of father and son.Ryota who is a successful businessmen,with a happy family.After six years later they received a call from hospital where his baby born.When they reaches at hospital they heard that his baby is swapped with one family .Now the real drama stars.All of actors ,actresses are performed very well in this movie.This movie made a conclusion that "Money is not bigger than love,only showing love is not anything ,spent time with your children,success lies within"
heacock I really don't understand what is controversial about this movie. I couldn't relate to the character's so called dilemma. guess you have to be Japanese to understand the conflict. Okay so you find out the kid you are raising is not your kid by birth. The initial realization that someone might have switched your kid with someone else's kid might be shocking but only a completely uncaring parent would disown the child. I really don't see the dilemma.Science has already proved that environment plays a greater role on the development of a young brain than genetics. After the realization is made regarding the origin of the child the choice is obviously an easy one for a caring parent.