R | 04 February 2000 (USA)
Lighthouse Trailers

A prison ship on its way to a remote island prison runs aground on rocks and sinks. Mixed survivors of cons and prison guards struggle ashore, only to discover to their horror that another survivor got there first - the murderous & psychotic Leo Rook. Stranded, with no means of escape or call for help, the survivors must face a night of terror as they struggle to survive.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Console best movie i've ever seen.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Sandcooler The tension in "Lighthouse" is pretty unbearable. In fact, you don't even have to like or care for any of the characters (phew) to feel the danger as much as they do. I mean, this killer is just really creepy, for once I didn't want him to finish the job, he's not the funny, playful mass murderer like Jason is. There are whole bunches of exciting scenes in this movie, it's not exactly Hitchcock but it'll do. We get lots of typical scenes: the standard fat guy sequence, people splitting up for really vague reasons, the supposedly highly-educated stupid woman being stupid and annoying all over the place, a lot of fire, the works, filmed to perfection. Not written to perfection but it's a slasher, nobody cares.The only thing that's really too bad is that the killer stopped being mysterious by the end. He was just like a Bond-villain after a while, even with the idiotic laughter and everything. That really spoiled things. I suppose I shouldn't make a big deal out of it but I do.
patrick-green There was a movie. With a lighthouse. A serial killer is loose and the audience is agonising, and not because the film is terrifying. The film is terrifyingly bad with awful characters, awful acting and an awful end. The serial killer was the ugliest bastard I'd ever seen, and he does not utter a word throughout the movie!!!!The whole film has a strange surrealistic atmosphere, as if the actors had been teleported into a parallel bad movie dimension. The "traumatic scenes" of the movie were more like comedy than anything else, like some awesomely bad joke told by my sister. By watching this movie I experienced no feeling of being entertained at all, it is definitely good for the trashcan.
Danny_G13 Serial killer thriller horror is actually fairly entertaining, but does require a temporary abandonment of common sense.James Purefoy is Spader, a prisoner aboard a transport ship taking a crew of inmates to prison. Unfortunately, the ship runs into trouble and sinks, leaving only a few survivors. Spader is one of the said survivors, as is Rook, a psychopath who kills anyone he sees. The small band of survivors, including Spader, set up stall in the lighthouse which is on the land the survivors reach, and aware that Rook is out there, endeavour to protect themselves.Lighthouse is a British horror, which generally have a gritty feel to them. This one is no different. It certainly has that hard edge we come to expect from UK horror like 28 Days Later etc.It also generates a pretty atmospheric facade, showing up moody storms and the isolated lighthouse. Decent work was done here.The direction is generally pretty clear, and doesn't confuse too much. It does a good job of keeping the pace fairly quick.In a technical sense though, the dialogue is a slight problem with very murky delivery in places. I am unsure if the actors specifically muddied their lines or if it was just a bad sound system, but some of what is said is decidedly incoherent.The acting is generally mediocre, with one particularly awful performance from Don Warrington who was hopelessly miscast. The guy is a thesp, not a jibbering wreck as he was asked to play here. He struggles obviously at times, and one can only have sympathy with him.The rest gamely chug on, with Purefoy being the handsome and charismatic male lead and doing a reasonable job of it.The last flaw though, with Lighthouse, is that there are just too many daft moments. Too many occasions logic is dismissed and reason flies out of the window. As such this is not exactly the most realistic of horrors but as long as you accept you're not getting common sense, it's passable enough.Indeed, as long as you can dismiss the stupidity of much of it, it is actually OK and worth a couple of hours of your time. There are certainly much worse efforts out there.
gillythehoboslayer After looking at all of the comments, regarding it as an awful slasher, I must say in my opinion they are totally wrong.This had all the gore you need, maybe it could of had more, but still has a bloody edge, and the effects wern't all the terrible, even though towards the end when the woman is being grabbed by her hair when she's hanging off the Lighhouse does look a little bit stupid. This actually had above average acting, the characters arn't as wooden as some actors. But it is a B-Movie, and this has proudly made it's way into my top 5 in slashers.I'd give The Lighthouse - 7.5/10God bless British go watch Cradle Of Fear (Ultimate cheese, awful acting and terrible dialogue = a must for any horror fan like me)