| 15 October 1996 (USA)
Lift Trailers

Young pizza delivery man Larry wanders through the desert waiting for the aliens to land - he believes in everything he hears and does anything anyone tells him.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
timeaokros I bought this video only because it was ridiculously cheap and the UFO theme got me interested. But nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to experience...My sister and I started watching it and after about 45 minutes we were still trying to figure out what the whole thing was about. Naively, we were expecting SOMETHING to happen. Well, it didn't. We then thought that the SOMETHING might happen towards the end so I decided to forward the scenes. But there was nothing to forward...all we saw were the credits. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Thinking back at it, we laugh. So there IS a point in watching the film: you probably won't remember a single scene (except for the one where the girlfriend makes the guy wear a UFO mask during sex and keeps on squeezing it-pathetic but hilarious). However, you will remember it as the most pointless movie ever made. Plus you can torture your friends with it!
enemigavortexx Well, this movie can. It's like a bunch random events one after another (the script was probably thrown together on a beer drinking/weed smoking afternoon). I couldn't tell you what the story is about, even if you'd point a gun at my head. There is no point watching this, because it gives you a serious headache, or, what's worse, tons of restless hours wondering what was this all about. However, there are things I realized after the ending:Nevada desert is full of strange, possibly mentally handicapped peopleYou should never try to find a black mailbox unless you are a taciturn, annoying Pizza guy wearing jeans and red T shirt Twisted goth chicks will make love to you only when you're wearing a ridiculous UFO mask Never try hitchhiking if you can't make a distinction between black and white Famous businessmen try to vitalize themselves by drilling their foreheadTo cut a long story short, "Lift" is a bad, meaningless, irritating experience. Consider yourself to be warned, avoid this disaster at all costs! I told you...
alrightguy1728 Once again Block Buster's previously viewed section got me. This time with Lift, I thought Ufo's and Alien's might be cool, right?Wrong, the film is about a young pizza delivery driver. He is obsessed with Ufo's and Alien's. Like a not so cool Fox Molder from the X-Files. The movie seemed long and drawn out but had a few cool spots along the way. Only one scene makes it worth watching. The first sex scene had me almost spitting beer at the T.V. from across the room. The main character's coked out abducty screw buddy ask's him to put on an alien mask while they do the nasty..... Ya, you heard me right! If you like the funny then rent this movie watch it to that point and take it back.
jkoenig24-1 I picked this up in my local library. Thank God I didn't pay to rent it. It's a shame I can't get my time back. I kept hoping the story would develop and take an interesting turn. No such luck. The topic has the potential. The cast probably could have done better if they had been given something, anything to work with. I'm left wondering if this film got made because somebody lost a bet. Maybe if I was drunk or stoned it wouldn't have mattered that there is nothing of value here. Perhaps most telling, if you do a search on IMDb, you'll be hard pressed to find out anything about the cast. I guess they're all too embarrassed about being in this bomb. Spend your time more productively by say, watching paint dry.