Lies and Deception
Lies and Deception
NR | 24 April 2005 (USA)
Lies and Deception Trailers

Six years after her husband's suicide, Jean Bruckner is dumbfounded by the news that he has recently been murdered! With the help of a private investigator, she heads to Chicago to uncover the truth behind her spouse's charade. The deeper she digs, the more danger she puts herself in. The truth may be out there, but she may get killed before she finds it!

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Stephen Abell Jean Brooks (Amick) is surprised when Detective Ortuso (Calabretta) turns up on her doorstep with news of her husband's death. This is a shock as her husband died five years earlier. The mystery grows deeper as the dead man's identity is proven to be Jean's Husband Sam (Thibaudeau). Unable to help her, Ortuso recommends P.I. Eddie Fate (Walker). They set out to discover what Sam had been doing for the missing five years.This is a slow burner of a mystery film as the twists and turns unravel slowly. However, this works well within the confines of the story and it allows the actors to shine. Everybody does a good job with their characters, though I think Amick's portrayal is a little lax and lazy. I would've expected more emotion coming from a person in her predicament. Walker does a respectable job with his character and keeps his portrayal engaging, for the viewers.Belanger directs the film to an average standard. There's no wonderful or iconic shots or camera angles in the movie. He doesn't even use filters to change the atmosphere and mood, opting to work in optimal light at all times. This isn't a bad thing, it doesn't detract from the film but it doesn't add anything new or interesting to keep the audience's attention.Though it's not too original or adventurous in it's filming I still found the movie enjoyable. For a TV Thriller, it's worth at least one viewing, though I'd only recommend watching it if you have nothing else to watch.
bellebrise I watched a very little of this film, coming into a point twenty minutes into the story. The butler was a cardboard caricature, clearly someone who would be disowned by every school of butling in the country - although the USA may be a little short in that regard. The male and female leads entered and were seated. The widow whom they were visiting, with no good purpose probably, joined them and offered them tea. After a brief and stilted exchange the female lead, Madchen, goes to the bathroom. Coming out she takes advantage of the fact that she is alone, to examine the bureau and look at some stuff. She then goes into the bedroom and has a root around on the desk, before opening the wardrobe and examining the shirts of the deceased male. So we know from this one scene that the "heroine", the poor wronged woman, is in fact a nasty prying person, with neither manners or morals. Whatever the other woman may have done, we are on her side now.
jan518_1 Dreadful film, with some of the worst acting this side of "Dynasty." I've seen Mädchen Amick before, and liked her, but this time she definitely sank to the level of the script. But give her credit--at least she had the good sense to look embarrassed and uncomfortable (constipated even) virtually every time she uttered one of her poorly-written lines. And who is Andrew W. Walker? My best guess is, he's related to the director or casting director, because how else could such an unappealing and untalented actor be cast in this part? The chemistry between the "leads" wasn't just missing--it had actually turned putrid and emitted a foul odor. Save yourself a lot of aggravation and 2 hours of your precious time. Avoid this movie!!!
kajtek Bad acting (except Mädchen Amick, who is OK), awful dialogs, poor plot but could pass if not the dialogs and acting. Predictable and boring plot. I can go on and on with negativity. Just awful. The first 10 minutes is interesting and intriguing although poor acting is obvious almost from the beginning. Police finds dead men whose wife thought that he had died in boating accident five years ago. There were so many ways to keep the film interesting. I do not think that even good acting could save the film unless somebody would rewrite the script. The rest of the 90 minutes I consider as a wasted time. You can check if you have the same taste but I warned you.