Level Up
Level Up
| 23 November 2011 (USA)
Level Up Trailers

Four very different high school teenagers battle trolls, ghouls and a dark leader of them named Maldark in a video game that goes haywire and releases the battle into the real world.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
lee7-1 Look it is what it is, a no brainer monster bash but that said there's some real fun here if you don't take it seriously, now where did I leave my +6 Ring of Destruction? OK it looks like I gotta waffle on a bit longer, it reminds me of a long time ago when I was a teenager and I would play Dungeons & Dragons and how I wished some of it was real. There was a TV movie out at the time that showed some kid getting too involved in D&D and suffered real psychological effects,can't remember what it was called tho but this is a lot lighter and I really enjoyed it and I'm an old cynical so and so! There were some interesting characters in it to be honest, the Game designer is a neurotic freak, effects were acceptable and acting was decent enough for a light hearted romp.
lamermi What can I say that has not been said in the previous reviews? Not withstanding that this "Thing", and I must stress Thing, I so bad that I wanted to gouge my eyes out of the sockets. I've been playing online games for years, and this show is plain insulting and so bad that I recommend burning the film so it does not contaminate anything good Cartoon Network might have in the future. Mainly the acting was not just sub par, but downright miserably bad. As for the cg, I don't even want to go into that. I can probably do a better job with a pen and some dirty pages strewn together. If you have any self respect, and or have at least a modicum of taste, stay away from this horror
MsHoneyBee I really like this show. I agree with many of the other reviews saying that the acting is cheesy but this show makes me laugh so hard. I really enjoy it... I am a 27 year old so I think that says something.I do think the theme of the show is interesting and different from other shows. Yes it is KINDA like Power Rangers but it is fun and unique in its own right. I also think the directing and editing is good because the way they use camera angles to put us in the action is very neat.All and all, this show is for children so how an adult feels is probably not all that important to the network....I would recommend this show.
df2376 This show is absolutely horrible. As a fan of MMO's and all things nerdy, I find this show to be quite insulting. The premise is tired and outdated, the CG is painful to watch, and the "acting" is less than B-movie quality. Not sure who their target audience is for this, maybe children under twelve. Although, the jokes and pop culture references seemed to be aimed at people in their 20's. Yes, I know this is being shown on Cartoon Network, but seriously. Overall, a weak attempt to cash in on MMO/nerd demographic. Want a good show about MMO's with a story and cast you can get behind? Go watch The Guild. Hopefully, big studios will eventually get this subject correct and do a little bit of research before they decide to try this again.