Let's Get Harry
Let's Get Harry
| 31 October 1986 (USA)
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Harry Burck has been kidnapped by South American terrorists, and when the US Government refuses to intervene, Harry's friends decide to take matters into their own hands!

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Micitype Pretty Good
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
liamforeman Just saw this after 30 years. And it didn't bother me that back then I wasn't bothered by this movie. The story has potential to be a great one, but so many inexplicable things kept happening. Like how these guys can go from Midwesterners of no apparent fierceness and suddenly become international level guerillas. The acting wasn't really that awful, I particularly liked Duvall's and Busey's performances, and wasn't turned off by Jake Ryan's performance either, lol. (I did do many double/triple takes, when Jake Ryan throughout looks to be wearing the same red flannel shirt he wore in 16 Candles!!) We have Biff from Back to the Future, and the guy from Top Gun who always had his shirt off (in both Top Gun and this movie!!) I mean, it wasn't bad, it just got a little tedious and ludicrous and I took a smoking break a couple of times, so it clearly didn't keep me on the edge of my seat.
lmcm87 this is just another movie about the evil Colombian guerrillas and the brave American heroes. bloody as it can be the movie only portraits the "bad" part of a beautiful country. I don't think it is well done as a movie or that it shows in anyway the reality of a country like Colombia which, constantly improves and shows to be winning the fight against terrorism and drug dealers. I also find it extremely utopic and epic, yet it is your choice to watch it or not. The whole movie revolves around friendship, but it shows a lot more than that. Just know that Hollywood is not showing the reality of those third world countries and that those kind of movies offend many people around the world.
Jonathon Dabell Director Stuart Rosenberg was so dismayed when he surveyed the finished film that he had his name taken off the credits. That should warn you just how bad this cheesy 80s action movie is. But on a certain level, there's a weird, voyeuristic pleasure to be gained from seeing so many good actors struggling with such awful material. Why is a personable leading man like Mark Harmon wasting his time in a badly-written glorified cameo? Why is a rugged, reliable old-timer like Ben Johnson slumming as an embittered father? And - biggest question of the lot - why is a dynamic, Oscar-winning talent as notable as Robert Duvall staining his amazing reputation on such a brainless, gung-ho production? Harry (Harmon) is an American plumber who has just spent several months working in Colombia on an ambitious major water-plant. The day he is due to return home, he is kidnapped by jungle guerillas who say they will only return him safely if some of their colleagues are released by the American authorities. Since the Americans have no intention of meeting the kidnappers' demands, things look pretty bleak for Harry. Harry's brother can't bear the thought of losing his beloved sibling, so he hires a tough mercenary, Shrike (Duvall), and puts together an unlikely rescue team. Their mission, plain and simple: "Let's Get Harry!" Coming hot on the heels of other rescue-in-the-jungle films (like Uncommon Valor, Missing in Action, P.O.W - The Escape, and Rambo), Let's Get Harry tries to be different by going for a South American locale instead of Vietnam. However, the story is utterly terrible, with totally unbelievable characters and situations, and an unhealthy attitude towards non-US citizens (who are here portrayed as corrupt, devious, violent, drug-fuelled and expendable). Other than Duvall, the performances are lazy and amateurish. Some reviewers would argue that I'm missing the point, and that the plot and characters have been intentionally sacrificed in the name of cheesy action - but the action is so intermittent (not to mention poorly filmed) that the film is a failure even on "mindless-adventure-movie" level. All things considered, Let's Get Harry can be summed up in three words: bad, bad bad!
actionpro Let's Get Harry is an excellent action movie, as far as low-budget, throwaway action movies go. Don't expect state-of-the-art special effects, a deep and meaningful plot, or Oscar-winning performances by any of the stars (however, it should be noted that Gary Busey, arguably, gives one of his best performances). What you will find, however, is a movie that will entertain fans of the genre for 102 minutes. Basically, it is a Charles Bronson movie without Charles Bronson. As for racial insensitivity, anyone that finds insensitivity within this movie is not a true fan of the genre and probably ought to stay away from action movies in general, as any movie where white people aren't being slaughtered is offensive to them. The purpose of Let's Get Harry is to entertain, not to provide thought-provoking insight into US/Colombian relations.
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