Let Me Make You a Martyr
Let Me Make You a Martyr
| 22 July 2016 (USA)
Let Me Make You a Martyr Trailers

A cerebral revenge film about two adopted siblings who fall in love, and hatch a plan to kill their abusive father.

ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Giulio Ale I loved this film from beginning to the (open) ending. An indie masterpiece movie. Feels like not so many people did appreciate what i consider a very underrated movie. Manson's got only a bunch of minutes, but his character is so deep and controversial. I suggest watching this movie with a group of friends, as after you'll see this you will discuss A LOT. Yes, there are some flaws in the plot that sometimes is confusing and "nowhere to go", but overall I think is a very very good movie. Nico Nicotera and Sam Quartin are so good. Wow, Sam Quartin...I love her character so much and her acting. She' so wonderful and I fell in love with her character at once. She's so fragile but also so strong. You'll remember a quote from Manson's character, about differences between good and evil, forever...one of the best movie quote of the last years, I swear.
jmarinko925 After watching Let me make you a Martyr I needed to re watch it. The story is told in non linear fashion and some of the scenes are so intense it's easy to get caught up in you're anticipation of what happens next. Thought provoking to say the least issues of poverty, disparity and society are all exemplified here. At a certain point my cowcatcher questioned me" Is this how it really is in some places" I responded the people there most likely think the same thing about where we live. Of course I was eager to Marilyn Manson on screen having enjoyed his role in the third season of Salem and just knowing he was a part of it swayed my decision to view it. While he is not the lead his scenes are memorable to say the least.I saw a q&A on YouTube with the director and when questioned about the films conclusion he said he did not want people leaving this one with the attitude of well I just watched another movie. I believe he has succeeded in that. A good watch but not for the faint of heart of course.
John Monne How this movie only gets a 5.4 as a rating is absolutely a mystery to me.. This movie is worth a watch for anyone that loves the genre, has an attention span bigger then 3 seconds and can appreciate a real movie with human reasoning. This is not your 90 minutes of 1 big action scene Hollywood blockbuster that cost 250.000.000 USD leaving you on a confusion high towards reality.. This movie is a real movie! Entertaining, interesting, meaningful, makes you think about aspects of life and about the characters life's and at the end of it it leaves you perhaps even something to talk about or ponder about. I will bring no spoilers cause there aren't any.. there is no plot, no 30 second trailer that can spoil the whole movie. I can tell you half the story and still not spoil it. So again, if you have more then half a brain, your attention span wasn't ruined and you like watching a movie for the intent, characters and story..then this is a movie you must watch! an easy 8/10!
Tina Willis This was a very provocative/interesting and relatively honest film. It is shown non linear, meaning most of it's events has already happened and it is being shown to us in a series of long flashbacks as the main character is telling it. It is definitely a slow intense burn, with small crumbs of clues being left behind for us to gather with some twists and turns to boot.I don't mean to be overly critical, as I really liked this movie quite a bit and thought it a quality made, interesting and worthwhile watch. But I would be remiss if I didn't include that some reviewers stated they had a difficult time understanding what was going on in the movie. For me, it was one of the things I really appreciated about it. In most cases the creators didn't underestimate the intelligence of the audience. That is such a HUGE plus in my book, as it is usually the types of films I enjoy the most.The actual story/screenplay is very intelligently and intuitively written. There are some very deep and meaningful interactions that were VERY true of human nature. Although based in a not overly realistic drug world, the story of revenge, love, redemption, hope and hopelessness was presented proactively and thoroughly.Although Marilyn Manson is memorable here, there wasn't one actor/actress that did not pull their weight and offer up an exquisite representation of their character. As I have not seen Mr. Marilyn's acting ability before this movie, it was fun to see him, especially. I wasn't surprised he did so well as he is an outstanding musical performer. I believe, he may of instinctively understood this dark role, on a personal level. No wonder he did so well. I don't believe this role was written for him, but it may as well of been. He was perfect in it. As a fan, I am happy to see him stretch his creative wings. Ultimately tho, I extend many BRAVOS to all the performers! The cinematography/camera use/lighting was creatively well done. The score/screenplay although a bit odd in a few beginning scenes,(personal taste) over all accompanied the rest of the scenes nicely without overshadowing them, and as in all quality films, pushed the ambiance and feel of particular scenes up a notch to it's finest point.The sound and editing not distinctive (indicating again, skillful contributions)Costumes and dialogue appropriate and realistic if not unassuming which would be what is called for in this type of story.I hope that this film gets the regards it deserves. I can tell it was done with everyone involved, giving everything they had. I will be watching it again, as I am sure I missed things the first time around.For me, that means it's a GOOD movie.Just a little, hardly noteworthy, side note. And a very vague spoiler alert. But I gotta get this off my chest....First off, you can not wax philosophical just moments after shooting heroine in your vein. (and if it was methamphetamine, you may think you are waxing philosophical, but you certainly aren't leaned back comfortable and still, on a couch while doing it.) The bag is shown with the drugs in it, and it was a large amount and of an odd color to be heroine, methamphetamine, coke, or any of those types of drugs. It appeared to look more like weed. Which doesn't make sense as you can't shoot weed into your veins. It just kinda threw me off and seemed confusing and inaccurate. I suppose the more you know about something the more it stands out in movies when it is depicted wrong. I mention this ONLY because many reviewers stated how dirty and gritty and realistic this film was. YES the drug world is dirty and gritty and dangerous, but I'm not for sure that the creators of THIS story have ever lived in the type of world they wrote about here. I found it more of a cliché drug world then an honest depiction but believe that it still works well enough to present what this story is truly about. None-the-less....THAT particular scene doesn't make THAT much difference. Or won't make that much difference, for most viewers.