Les Girls
Les Girls
NR | 03 October 1957 (USA)
Les Girls Trailers

After writing a tell-all book about her days in the dance troupe "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren is sued for libeling her fellow dancer Angele. A Rashômon style narrative presents the story from three points of view where Sybil accuses Angele of having an affair with Barry, while Angele insists that it was actually Sybil who was having the affair. Finally, Barry gives his side of the story.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
brena10-355-271784 The music isn't one of the best from Cole Porter and it features a strangely subdued Gene Kelly. There's a reason Cukor was called a woman's director, because in this film the women are the focus and are they hilarious! I never heard of Kay Kendal before watching this movie. Her unique beauty and comedic timing are genius. It is the worlds loss that she passed away so soon. Top notch performances, sumptuous costumes and choreography make this musical a must see.
MartinHafer The plot for this film is a lot like taking the Kurasawa film "Rashomon" and combining it with "An American in Paris". The final product, while pretty to look at, it pretty dreadful--overly long, overly familiar and amazingly slight.The film begins with Angèle (Taina Elg) suing Sybil (Kay Kendall) following the publication of Sybil's tell-all book "Barry Nichols and Les Girls". What follows is a Rashomon-style plot where each of the particulars in the story tell their account of what happened back when they were a successful dance team--and each has a completely different idea of what has really occurred--and each thinks they were Barry's one love. So why wasn't I in love with this film? The biggest problem is that the characters are generally unlikable--especially the very manipulative Barry (Gene Kelly). As for the dancing, I hated it but it all depends on what style music you like. If you like big production numbers and lots of very modern dance, you'll probably like it. I prefer musicals where the singing and dancing are more integrated into the plot-- such as in the infinitely more successful film from this same period, "Gigi". Also, the film just lacks originality, as it did borrow so heavily from "Rashomon". But most importantly, I just found the film overly long and pretty dull. Pretty to look at...but dull.
msato404040 Ah, the radical viewpoint. It seems that Cukor, a cinematic legend, had a muse, one that no one would suspect because he only used the most bare bones part of his inspiration - Akira Kurosawa's 1950 masterpiece, Rashomon. Cukor created his own masterpiece in Les Girls, with a feel that's 180 degrees away from Rashomon's dark, brooding atmospherics. Much more clever than the excellent adaptation of The Seven Samurai, The Magnificent Seven. Setting the self interest of different witnesses about the scandalous events upon which their very disparate versions of those events, painting themselves in the best light, into a typical behind-the-scenes plot of a musical comedy production is brilliant, but not well appreciated.
theduchess86 I don't agree that Kay Kendall stole this film, it was after all an MGM musical, don't get me wrong Kay was a beautiful talented actress, and gave a sparkling performance, but this was a musical and Mitzi Gaynor as usual left everyone standing, very talented lady very wasted in Hollywood, people on here say she was not as good as cyd Charisse, Mitzi had something cyd never had "personality" I saw cyd at the London paladium live and she was awful, I saw Mitzi's knockout Vegas act, chalk and cheese, also Leslie Caron was supposed to have turned this role down, I am glad she did, very overrated. the more people see Mitzi Gaynor roles now the more they appreciate what a great talent she was (is), she stole there's no business like show-business, and was great with frank Sinatra in the joker is wild, totally wasted in Hollywood, should have been in much more, but she went on to become one of America's greatest performers, in shows and night clubs, also her great TV shows, which are shortly to be released on DVD, thanks for reading, Gloria