LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers
LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers
G | 28 May 2010 (USA)
LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers Trailers

Clutch Powers ventures on a mission assigned to him by his boss to solve the chaos that occurred on the Space Police prison planet.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
adonis98-743-186503 For the first time ever, see the world of LEGO come to life in the all-new feature-length DVD movie adventure with Clutch Powers, the best builder and explorer in the LEGO universe. Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers was alot of fun and as a Lego Fan the film was brilliant both in terms of plot and adventure but also in humor, voice acting and above all character wise since Clutch Powers is kinda like Max Steel meets Indiana Jones in a Lego form and kids alongside with their Parents won't be disappointed. (10/10)
harperdiscoveredemail All right, so this movie isn't Citizen Kane. Let's be real. It's a kid's movie. It never tries to advertise itself as anything else. Sure, it's not really deep, but it is amusing. I remember watching this movie as a young kid and enjoying it immensely. Not for its thought-provoking morals, not for its innovation in the animation industry, but for being a fun movie that I could enjoy. Sure, it's light, but not every movie needs to be heavy and deep and thought-provoking.
wheely0301 The movie it self isn't very good. The voicing is OK for most characters. The way most thing is made of Lego is amazing however in my opinion it is done a lot better in the Lego Movie as the Lego itself looks less computer generated. The soundtrack like the movie is also forgettable as well as the story overall being boring and unimaginative. It has some very cheap jokes. Overall I don't recommend this movie because of it's boring and forgettable plot, acting, characters and soundtrack especially for 2010.
pmalexmckenny It was certainly very hilarious, ultimately a bad movie, but hilarious. I don't know whether it was the inconsistent and downright weird story, the awkward embarrassing characters who despite the efforts of the writers, come off as cliché, or the weird childish humour that even actual children would find contrived and condescending. The animation, although fluent, looked almost sub-par and made me get chills form looking at character's creepy faces. So why did I give it such a high rating? Because when I watched it with my friends back when we were kids, I saw that it definitely has the potential to become a cult film, think "The Room" for kids. My friends and I found ourselves laughing our asses off, not at how good the movie was, but laughing as one would laugh whilst watching "Sharknado" or "Birdemic: Shock and Terror". I could see drinking games created from this movie, drink every time a failed reference to Lego is made, or drink every time a character says "We build on Each Other" (That line alone made the movie for me). If I ever have to babysit children, and they ask me to play the Lego Movie for them, I would play this one just for kicks. Clutch powers is legendary, and is so under-rated, it should be up there with all the other big cult movie titles out there. 10/10, 10/10, 100/100, best movie, BEST MOVIE! Show everyone this, we need to get the word out to the world that this movie exists!