PG-13 | 15 October 2010 (USA)
Legacy Trailers

Taking refuge in a shabby Brooklyn motel after narrowly surviving a failed mission in Eastern Europe, Black Ops soldier Malcolm Gray (Idris Elba) begins to disintegrate mentally as he broods over the legacy of his actions in this taut psychological thriller. Haunted by his demons while holed up in his room, Malcolm ponders the ascent of his brother (Eamonn Walker), an ambitious senator with designs on the presidency.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Micransix Crappy film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
NateWatchesCoolMovies Legacy: Black Ops is a good one. Like so many indie products, it has been marketed to look like an action flick for DVD, but the truth is something more akin to a psycho – political thriller. Clearly influenced by both the Bourne films and Jonathan Demme's The Manchurian Candidate, it reins the intrigue in somewhat for an intimate, starkly paced look at one man who is on the brink of losing both his mind and memories in the wake of a special ops mission gone awry. Idris Elba gives a mini powerhouse as Malcolm Grey, a battle scarred veteran who has isolated himself in a drab motel room, ruminating on a calamitous outing with his fellow squad members to find and take out eastern European extremist Salenko (Julian Wadham). Whatever went wrong sent a chain reaction down the ranks and left them divided in years to come, but we are only treated to unreliable fragments of these events, reflected through the prism of Malcom's broken mind. He receives visits from his squad mates, but are they really there, or yet another illusion dreamt up to avert his gaze from the truth? Character actor Richard Brake is O'Keefe, his longtime friend and second in command, providing sympathy and solid support during the mission we see unfold in hectic flashbacks. Adjacent to this plot is the political rise of Malcom's brother Darnell (Eamonn Walker) riding the wave of an election that will put him in a seat of immense power, but one wonders how he's connected to Malcolm and his past? How indeed. It's confusing to say the least, but never trips over its own ambitions, sewing threads of concise cause and effect throughout it's story, which is emotionally downbeat and melancholic in nature, a stylistic choice that really works in the film's favour. If you're willing to sit, absorb and meditate on a slow burner of a tale that feeds you pieces of the puzzle bit by bit, with almost zero action to be found, have at 'er. I enjoyed it immensely.
valleyjohn I'm a big fan of Idris Elba . I loved the HBO series "The Wire" and even more so the BBC show "Luther" but he's film career has yet to really take off and when he chooses complete Turkeys like Legacy - Black Ops , it's hardly surprising. Looking at the DVD cover you might think that this was an action flick , but far from from it. This is a dreadfully slow and dull movie about a special ops soldier who is gradually going out of his mind , stuck in a hotel room. I know how he felt watching this film! Elba is good as usual but the script is so bad it's hard to find anything positive about this film. Avoid it at all costs.
ericshla Legacy is a perfect example of having a vision, sticking to it, and doing whatever it takes to get that vision to the big screen. In film, to create a powerful work, it is necessary to mine the depths of an emotional place the character is in, then examine that moment from multiple angles, inducing a reaction from the viewer that relates in some way to the character's plight. In Legacy, Ikimi and Elba, who stars as former Black Ops agent Malcolm Gray, do this time and time again, keeping in mind it is important to not overlook the indispensable contributions that the film's editing, done by the razor sharp Richard Graham (he and Ikimi both edited), as well as the brooding and foreboding original music composed by Mark Kilian have added to the mix. The use of flashbacks to provide exposition, mixed with the emotional power of the scenes within the single hotel room most of the present day action occurs in, created a tense, exciting, and entertaining vibe that carried throughout this poignant and important film.
xeno5167 I was fortunate enough to catch this movie once it came to the states. Boy am I glad I did catch it for it was only playing for one week in my local cinema. That being said, this film as something that Hollywood filmmaking has lost over the years. Intelligence. This is a gripping old school thriller. The performance from elba definitely kicked it up a notch or two from where I had previously placed him on the acting scale. Very rarely do I watch a movie these days and not forget about it on the drive home. I am still thinking about legacy 2 weeks after viewing. Ironically this is his best performance, and not many people have seen it. One thing that I would say and I hope that people take from this review is that. Movies like this will always be there. Most big budget films they come and they go. But movies that are respectful of the viewers intelligence will stand the test of time. This is credit to the man who had the idea in the first place. Thomas Ikimi the Writer and Director of the movie clearly has the potential to become a true visionary in filmmaking. Young creative minds like Ikimi are the bases for what makes filmmaking great. A lot of the time you see actors and producers get most of limelight when something great happens. But without the inception of the original idea from that creative mind. We would not have ANY of the greatest films we have had the pleasure of experiencing over the years. It starts with one man (or woman) with a vision. Hollywood needs more people like Ikimi.