Left for Dead
Left for Dead
R | 04 March 2007 (USA)
Left for Dead Trailers

Set in Mexico, Left For Dead is a bloody and sick dream ... A spaghetti western in terror. A desperate criminal will be caught in the ghost town of Amnesty alongside a vengeful demon ...

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Jan Strydom I remember years back as a kid the first Albert Pyun movie I saw was CYBORG, then after that I saw NEMESIS, and I enjoyed them both mainly because they looked cool, and as a kid I never really paid attention to the flaws or tried to over analyze the plot, I just liked CYBORG because I was a big Van Damme fan, and I liked NEMESIS because it was something different, and over the years every time I saw Albert Pyun's name on a film, I would immediately say that's the guy who directed CYBORG & NEMESIS, but of course, he has directed some terrible films, such as that URBAN MENACE junk and a few others that made me wonder if this actually was directed by the same guy.LEFT FOR DEAD was the first Pyun movie I saw since TICKER, and compared to the other films I've seen before, it was nothing like any of Pyun's previous work, and I mean that in a good way, sure its no masterpiece, but it is also not the worst movie out there, I actually liked the storyline, it was very original and unfolded nicely, I'll also add that I am not a die hard fan of the spaghetti western genre so I guess its easier for me to accept it as it is, the acting was not all bad but also not all good, entertainment wise, a lot of people might find it a bit on the boring side, because it doesn't have any major action sequences or anything that will make you jump out of your seat, it is mainly focused on being more of a ghost story than anything else, other than that it has a part near the ending that is pretty gross.I actually liked this film, and for those that consider it the worst movie you've ever seen, check out these titles, HUNTING SEASON, THE CAVERN and FIVE ACROSS THE EYES, then you'll know what's worse.
JoeB131 Okay, I wasn't going to give it a 1 originally, but seeing as people on the crew have come on here and given it 10 ratings, I have to strike a balance.The plot, if you want to call it that, is that this band of prostitutes slaughter all the decent folk in town out of retaliation for a preacher having a fling with one of them. The Preacher renounces God, and is trapped as a vengeful spirit killing anyone unlucky enough to wander into the town looking for gold.Meanwhile, the prostitutes set up a lesbian-American community outside of town, until a woman looking for her husband wanders into their camp, and they agree to follow him into the town because he knocked up one of their number.The whole movie is a convoluted mess, with a lot of violence against women, (where are angry feminists when you really need them?) The male hero for some inexplicable reason, speaks half his lines in Spanish, and yet everyone can understand him. More mysteriously, they put subtitles on half his English lines as well, probably because he garbled his dialog so badly you couldn't understand him, anyway. Not that his female co-stars do any better.Oh, yeah, and all the women have dirt on them. I guess no one bathed in 1895. They're dirty, dirty girls.Really, you should avoid this film. I wish I had.
androndiane I'm still going over the film in my head and I've watched the DVD twice as well. No spoilers as I just wanted to comment on the cast. I thought it was refreshing to see real women in a desperate situation unlike so many horror films which feature nubile bikini wearing females in desperate situations. The cast felt like women struggling to survive in the Mexico frontier in 1890. Hard, half daft, angry and frighteningly ruthless. They quite embodied what it must have been like and they also looked like the type that could believably survive. No cutesy starlet bimbo types, but tough, rugged women who look they live through much abuse.The feminine anger of betrayal and being degraded was etched into each character almost painfully.I thought the odd speech patterns worked as it revealed damaged minds and souls.The film wasn't perfect. The special effects could've been better and the action slowed a bit too much in the middle. Very sad and filled with a great helping of pain and grief. I found it riveting and much more enjoyable on the second watching.
robintrainor I posted this in the message board but it might help here for those thinking of renting the film.I read this quote by Martin Scorsese discussing a 50's film (Underworld USA?). I think the quote sums up LEFT FOR DEAD too, "the revenge story because everything feels a little bit unreal, both heightened and elemental....diverges sharply from anything even resembling mainstream movie-making--he was through with politeness and any sort of decorum--he had no desire to pull any punches in order to reassure his audiences. He was moving closer to the approach to film-making exemplified by Jean-Luc Goddard in France--direct, impolite, jarring to life with a clash of juxtaposed images and sounds."