| 21 July 2013 (USA)
Leather Trailers

Birch, a young man living in the Catskill Mountains, reunites with his childhood friend from the city, Andrew.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Irishchatter Truly I think Birch was such an interesting character in the film because it really reminds you of what life would be like without living a modern life but a really basic one living in the middle of nowhere! Seriously Chris Graham really did a pretty good job in playing a strange country boy and like Christ, how did he manage to sleep with that beard ha ha. It looked really awesome on him! Then there was Andrew, he was like a really caring and a very cool dude that is so devoted to Birch! However the fact, he brought his boyfriend Kyle along to his childhood home. It made the storyline a bit edgy with that involved with cheating behind Kyles back!We met Kyle. His character has a sense of humor that he would really make you laugh along with this film. The funniest scene was when he got so drunk with May (the puppeteer that embarrassed Andrew with the blast from his past) and the fact he didn't agree with Birch's lifestyle. This movie is brilliant, you have to watch this!
winstonnc Why does every "gay" movie seem so much the same? Gay life is enormously varied but you'd never know that from the movies about gay life, most of which rehash the same clichés of father-son angst and trite rites of"coming out." "Leather," whose title might lead viewers to think it's something it's not, is yet another film in that long, tiresome line. I suspect the filmmakers' hearts were in the right place. There are moments when you suspect something heartfelt and meaningful is going to happen in this rural tale of a New York City boy who falls in love with a boyhood friend who's morphed into an idealized woodsman - but the writing and acting and are so amateurish and the production work so slipshod the emotions of the film never gain traction.
aab056000 I've only gotten to see this once over, so far. I love the choice in soundtrack to drive the film; even though editing was a little rough with transitioning. The very beginning sequences from the home movie like imagery to the deathbed were actually my favorite, and after that everything just did come together. Most of the characters lacked conviction; it was like the actors weren't motivated to make those characters real. And too many times, there were moment where certain behaviors were definitely meant as devices to show some frustrated undertone, but it just came across like a snarky aside. Overall, the director definitely has an eye for imagery, but the characters lacked development and the dialogue sometimes drove me up the wall with staleness.
savdavid LEATHER is somewhat of a departure for Patrick McGuinn, in that it feels less transgressive and overtly sexual and delves more into the dynamics of broken families and emotional pain. The story involves a successful, ambitious gay man (Andrew) from NYC who drives to a country house where his estranged father has just passed away, and there reunites with a childhood friend (Birch) who has been his father's caregiver. The two find that they can't seem to rekindle a friendship, but they do find anundeniable attraction to each other. Complicating things is a young, immature gay man (Kyle, the main protagonist's bf) who is still trying to figure out who he is and why he relies so much on his BF for his own sense of self. The three find themselves confronting issues that they have repressed and evaded for too long. Here they're thrown into the forced contemplation of rural life, best exemplified by the above-mentioned local, a leatherworker. Local denizens round out the cast and add color and interesting subplots to the story. The script by Greg Chandler is very thoughtful and multi-layered, and the cinematography (16mm) makes the most of the beautiful setting of Upstate NY. A refreshing film about gay life that is rarely treated on screen. Highly recommended!