| 03 March 2017 (USA)
Lavender Trailers

A photographer struggling with memory loss discovers her pictures may indicate something sinister is hitting close to home.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
water_bug2 My first thought was, "If she's going to deliver her lines like this the whole movie, I'm not sure I can watch the whole thing. Maybe if they'd had the budget to hire a better actress, this might be a decent movie. Oh good, the kid actor sucks too." The dialogue was terrible. The "twists" were entirely predictable, and the score was obnoxious--way too much use of discordant violins. All in all, a waste of an hour and a half. I had considered turning it off at the 8 minute mark and taking a nap instead; that would have been a better use of my time. The best thing about this movie was the reminder that Justin Long exists.
Jim C It has a good story to bad it was so poorly done. The acting is horrible and the soundtrack is so bad. If you feel like watching it for the story it is worth seeing once and only once. Maybe someday someone will remake the movie into what the story deserves Like I said I like the story just wish someone else made the movie.
geneariani This was an unsuspected surprise. I did not have much exception about this film and by the end I was surprisingly satisfied by the experience. This is a ghost story that glides on atmospheric buildup and unhurried storytelling. Unlike the current series of horror movies that rely on hyperkinetic scenes to get a jump scare out of the audience, Lavender creates a world of hallucinatory reality. I would not indulge on the story line here but I would brush on number of elements that I really enjoyed about this film1. Soundtrack, incredible amount of work has gone into creation of this soundstripe. This is an orchestral piece which is composed of many many layers of unique instrumental arrangements. They are quite original and composition really enhances the haunting visuals.2. Photography, as with the soundtrack, the movie is inhabited with many equally stunning shots that brings out the almost fairy air amidst the horror. 3. Abbe Cornish is clearly in command here. I would say that she carries the movie all on her own. She delivers a multi-layered character performance which is mesmerizing on every scene she is present.At the end if you like a old fashioned ghost story which has no shortage of talent in every department give Lavender a try
ilia_skib When even the soundtrack in the movie annoys you, it is clear something is horribly wrong. It seems everyone involved in the movie was trying to create something, which failed in every possible area. Characters - boring and un-relatable. Couldn't care less what happens to them. Acting - looking "profoundly" sad all the time does not constitute dramatic acting... Story - I was praying to god (just an expression) that it will not be a banal story about ghosts. I really thought it is possible there will be an interesting twist, but noooo...freakin' ghosts. Oh, and while we are speaking about twists - the cheap "Six Sense" twist "revealing" (like I didn't see it all the way from 1999) that the psychologist was actually a ghost, was so laughable and unnecessary that I almost stopped watching right there. Soundtrack - unusual textures and ambiences, extended techniques on the violin and annoying "sliding" ultra low sounds for 99% of the movie were not only annoying, but simply like having a coffee with 12 spoons of sugar - bad taste. You can not shove "suspense" down the viewers throat all the time when there is no reason for it. It seemed the characters couldn't open the fridge door without the music suggesting "something terrible is going to happen".So yes, an absolute __________________(are you feeling the suspense?) waste of time.
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