Last Tango in Paris
Last Tango in Paris
NC-17 | 01 February 1973 (USA)
Last Tango in Paris Trailers

A recently widowed American begins an anonymous sexual relationship with a young Parisian woman.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
ShangLuda Admirable film.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
robert-259-28954 I never watched this film when it came out, but even after 45-years I can vividly recall all of the sexual hoopla and controversy it stirred up, often to a fever pitch. So this year, in 2017, I finally decided to watch it, and although the sex scenes were lusty, today they probably wouldn't have even raised an eyebrow. That's how far we've come, or digressed, depending on your point of view. In any event, I feel extremely sorry for the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" that the young Maria Schneider must have suffered as a result of a scene that wasn't even scripted, that Brando suddenly made her perform on the spur of the moment. The film was even better because Brando explored hidden depths that even this superb thespian had never explored, a gift to all who love and admire his innate gifts. This was a superbly crafted film, and again, should be viewed in the context of that greatness, not based or condemned on the sole basis of a single scene, regardless of how disturbing or graphic. This was one truly memorable movie, and will certainly stand the test of time.
Mikayla Smolensky This film contains a scene where the main actress Maria Schneider is raped by Marlon Brando. It has been recently told that this scene WAS NOT in the script. The actress was not informed about the scene. The director Bertolucci admitted that Brando and him talked about it previously and decided to use a stick of butter to rape Maria Schneider with. Bertolucci claims that did it for the purpose of art. If you do not believe me, all it takes is an internet search. The fact that the director did this and got away with it is absolutely disgusting. A woman was taken advantage of for artistic purposes??? Why would you want to watch a movie where a woman is literally raped?
Smoreni Zmaj It took me days to come to my senses after watching this movie. Wow !Marlon Brando was nominated for Oscar for this part. His competition were Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino and Robert Redford, and Oscar went to Jack Lemon. Definitely tough competition. I could not decide which one of them is more awesome.Fun fact - Bernardo Bertolucci was convicted to 4 month in prison in Italy for making this movie, while in America he was nominated for academy Award. :DWhy they do not allow short reviews...I hate adding lines randomly...
wilson trivino One movie that had been on my list to watch was Last Tango in Paris. It was heavily referenced in the documentary Seduced and Abandoned where Bernado Bertolucci shares how this movie captured a side of Marlon Brando and he refused to talk to him for 7 years after that. The movie is about an American played by Marlon Brando who finds himself in Paris after the death of his wife. He seeks comfort in a French woman Jeanne (Maria Schneider). They begin a passionate affair that pushes the limits of lust and sexual ecstasy. At the time of the release this movie was given a rating of X, but seems pretty tamed in today's world. The story came from a dream that Bertolucci had about having an anonymous sexual encounter with a woman he did not know or never would know. Pretty much every man's dream, pleasurable erotic, guiltless sex. It blends the magic of the French sensuality with the aggressive American attitude. A masterful film and a classic that needs to be seen by all movie buffs.