Last Hours in Suburbia
Last Hours in Suburbia
| 21 September 2012 (USA)
Last Hours in Suburbia Trailers

When Grace is accused of playing a role in a deadly accident, her best friend reaches out from beyond the grave to unveil the truth behind what happened.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
kbarbro I don't usually watch Lifetime Movies. But for whatever reason I found myself watching this one. It kept drawing me in as I tried to figure out what was going to happen next.The story is completely relatable. So many parts of it are like scenes from my own memory of days gone by. The two girls were very convincing. They reminded me of, me and my best friend, total opposites and of course often bickering like sisters. The two male actors were great too. Naturals in fact! I believed every second, and am pretty sure that I have encountered guys just like them at parties I have been to.The message of this movie is wonderful. It reminded me of an after school special that might have been on when I was younger, but with better acting, better producing, better editing and a way better script.Overall, I have to say, Bravo! I may just have to catch another Lifetime Movie to see what they have in store next!
kathicutler I tuned into this movie on Saturday evening and hesitated at I really want to watch this? I deal with kids every day as an educator and it looked like just another teen flick at first, but, it soon caught me up in the emotion of a young girl who is facing prison for decisions made in one night of partying, drinking and driving. I dare say we all know at least one person who has been killed by a drunk driver.The actors were real in their characters but a couple do stand out: Malara Walsh as the girl who died and Steven A. Miller as the young man who has turned to alcohol to assuage his guilt. I also enjoyed Kelcie Stranahan as Grace.I hope this movie is viewed by lots of adolescents as a warning of what can happen when decisions are made after drinking and partying.
vgibbs54 I really enjoyed Last Hours in Suburbia. As an educator, it really showed taking responsibility for one's actions. The two lead young women were wonderful and totally credible. I loved watching the character, "Pete," (Steve Miller) go from this really cool "with it" guy, to a totally different person who was so lost to the world because of the tragedy that occurred. I'd really like to see more of this actor and all that he is capable of projecting on the screen. He seems to have much potential, especially in his last scene of confrontation. The movie is a good teaching tool for high schoolers and the reality of peer pressure and consequences.
brenda_friedler The powerful message in "Last Hours in Suburbia" is most compelling. This movie is a must-see for adolescents. Maiara was superb, and the handsome young actor, Steven Miller, was a refreshing new face who was most convincing in his role.The idea behind "Suburbia" is catching on and most relevant--I am thinking (as are my friends) that this could spin off into a mini-series of sorts, perhaps similar to "Revenge' or 'Desperate Housewives" with twenty-somethings in the lead roles. There is so much material in our suburbs---stories abound--based in truth. Maiara Walsh and Steven Miller could make a series like leap to life---I think it would sell.