Last Call
Last Call
| 06 April 1991 (USA)
Last Call Trailers

As a little girl, Cindy had to witness how the shady estate agent Jason Laurence killed her mother. In the 22 years since then, he was never called to account for this crime. So Cindy decides to take vengeance herself.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
adonis98-743-186503 As a little girl, Cindy had to witness how the shady estate agent Jason Laurence killed her mother. In the 22 years since then, he was never called to account for this crime. So Cindy decides to take vengeance herself. Last Call is good for one reason and one reason only which is the erotic scenes other than that? It's really not that interesting or perhaps a little bit memorable to begin with. If you like Shannon Tweed? See it for her and her only, if not? Skip it and go and watch a better film that was released around that time like anything really. (4/10)
gridoon Did the people who made this film really believe that someone who had gone out of his way to rent a Shannon Tweed vehicle would be interested in real estate intrigues? The plot of this film is so convoluted that for the first 20 minutes you are literally lost, as the screen is filled with characters talking and you don't know who they are or what they are talking about. If you still want to check it out, if only for Tweed, be warned: a) It's not one of her best films, b) there are only two fairly explicit sex scenes, and they are pretty brief. I was more amazed with Stella Stevens' appearance; for a 54-year-old ex-sexpot, she still looks great. (*1/2)
Brian-272 I remember one night in the fall of 1992 I watched this steamy erotic-thriller on a movie channel, and since then I have been hooked on Shannon Tweed films. Can you blame me as good as the woman looks. Shannon is perfect in this film from every sexy scene she does to the great acting. I just enjoy that love scene with Shannon and William Katt I call it love on a rooftop! Not only is this just a movie of sexy scene after scene, but the plot keeps you interested as Shannon Tweed and William Katt discover a scandal and benefit in the process while Shannon gets her revenge on a man who caused her hurt from the past. Last Call is another one of those movies that I have in my video collection, it is special to me because it was the first movie I watched featuring the sexy Shannon Tweed.
movies-8 "Last Call," a 1990 erotic thriller from Jag Munhdra, the director of the steam-fest, "Night Eyes," starring Tanya Roberts and Andrew Stevens, is on the loose again with this little sexcapade which involves handsome real estate guy (William Katt) falling in love with the secretary of the guy he's just merged businesses with (Shannon Tweed). Anyway, the guy, Jason is his name, turns out to be a crook, and he embezzles millions of dollars from his clients' companies. Katt and Tweed, soon fall in love, and together they embezzle back what Katt's company has lost in assets, all the while having little escapades in elevators, staircases, and even on the roof of Tweed's apartment building. Stella Stevens (Andrew's mama) even turns in an appearance.Overall, this movie was pretty good. It was one of the first to launch the wave of erotic soft-core sex thrillers, which were SUPPOSED TO (but they haven't always) feature: a good plot, decent acting, alluring actors and actresses, and scenes of feverish sex and nudity. "Last Call" directly followed the much sturdier predecessor "Night Eyes," which had scenes with candlewax, in the show, and a health hazard on some stairs.>However, "Last Call" is still enjoyable. Oh, by the way, while Shannon's character is a secretary by day, she is a bad girl exotic dancer by night.Be forewarned that her act is very, very scary!!!