PG | 12 February 2005 (USA)
Landslide Trailers

Manhattan fireman Mark Decker visits, for the first time, his Steven in his ex Emma's new apartment in one of her dad Donald Richardson's development estates, at the foot of Diamand-back Mountain. But Don's ambitious executive Stewart Hancock, who dreams of his own firm, has been cutting too many corners, at the expense of safety, causing a landslide. Mark gets trapped with Steven and the new concierge Harold, who knows everything about an additional danger: rattlesnakes awoken early from hibernation. Now Mark discovers artistic, nerdy Steven only did 'manly' stuff in the city because dad-son time is so rare. While they soldier on, landscape architect Emma discovers the truth and counters Stewart's plan B to literally cover it up.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
keith_xyz I am actually watching this garbage on MyNetworkTV on a Sat. night. Yep, that's what we Bakersfield viewers got stiffed with with our ex-UPN affiliate; the cable-only WB affiliate became CW. "Landslide" looks to be as memorable as "10.5" or "10.5: Apocalypse." I should point out that there's only one major landslide; the rest is pretty much a imitation of "The Posideon Adventure" except w/ soil. & I wasn't paying 2 much attention, but did the trapped guys have enough oxygen to survive during the film? There's only one notable washed-up thespian on this movie, nee Alexandra Paul, the most streamlined female lifeguard on "Baywatch." Damn, I wish I coulda been a screenwriter for a natural disaster TV pick. I'd b stinkin' rich! (sort of) As of now, it's 9:32, so about ¾'s of the movie have passed, & those damn guys are still trapped. & there's a guy preparing some TNT or whatever. I think he's preparing another landslide or something. Also I've got the TV on mute since I don't like listening to the dialogue. & I didn't even know there was a inside joke about Cindy Sheehan in "Landslide"; guess the writers managed to read a newspaper while preparing this crap.
comet123 There already is a TV series called "Buried Alive" directed by Patrick Cowap: on the DVD cover, my girlfriend bought the Lions Gate DVD thinking it was an interesting science fiction movie.This movie is really just about a man made "Landslide" hitting a condominium complex.There is no science fiction, terrible special effects and a predictable plot.Save your money and watch something else.
CelluloiDiva Truly terrible. A movie populated by the kind of actors that prompt an "Oh, it's that guy!" recognition - you know you know the face, but heck if you can recall the actor's name! Any hope of investment in a plot evaporated when we noticed that the license plates all said "Vermont" and not, say, Colorado or Arizona, which actually have Diamondback Rattlers within their borders. The "twist" was too incredible - as in, NOT credible - to bear support. "Landslide" kinda went downhill from there, ortortort.The big event happens within the first minutes of the movie: the remainder of our time is spent wondering how those trapped will escape and will they do it in time to avoid the dastardly plot of the Bad Guy, in this case the eely Stuart. Apparently, massive landslides that take out power towers are minor disturbances in bucolic Vermont - or perhaps the developers' privacy takes precedence in an emergency. In either event, the landslide occurred, condos were buried and nary a cop nor firefighter nor EMT guy was to be seen until the very tail end of the movie. Are these guys all powerful or what? Of course, there's little edge and the plot is your generic, paint-by-numbers, connect-the-dots formula requiring only adequate suspension of belief to be moderately enjoyable. If you're the least thoughtful of viewers, you'll enjoy this for its MST3K potential. In fact, it's about the only fun we had with this one.
heatherbennett I was so bored one night, I ordered this flick off a pay per view at home. It sounded good, a landslide, terror, a fear of snakes, etc., the whole underhanded land developer scheme. The acting, it was so bad, I laughed at half the comments the actors made to each other while they were buried under the landslide. The birth scene was laughable at most, ridiculous comments from the woman in labour and her friend.. " I hate you!" "You can't hate me, I organized your baby shower for you!" " That's why I hate you!" -pregnant woman to her friend while she gave birth under a pile of rubble after attending her own baby shower.I can't believe that the actors carried on filming the movie. A boy gets bit by a snake, and the Dad, a fireman from New York, somehow gets the boy to walk. When the boy loses consciousness and his Dad "blows" in his mouth to give him CPR, (I'm not kidding here) the boy opens his eyes and says something like " am I sounding OK?" Dad, calm as ever says yes.... It was embarrassing. It almost made my teeth fall out.