Land of Storms
Land of Storms
| 08 February 2014 (USA)
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Szabolcs plays in a German football team, as does Bernard. They are roommates, best friends, inseparable. A lost match makes him reconsider his life and he goes back to Hungary in hope for more simplicity. Yet his solitude does not last long. Soon after his arrival he meets Áron and a mutual attraction between the two boys develops when suddenly Szabolcs receives an unexpected phone call from Bernard: he has arrived to Hungary...

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kirpianuscus the basic sin of this film could be the well known story. the virtue - the nuances of this well known story. because, against the similarities with Brockeback Mountain, the comparison with many other films about the same theme, it is a film who has its individuality. the fragile success in Germany, the links with the past, the new life and the secret who becomes obvious, the reaction of community to a fundamental sin, the symbols - the old house as one of the most powerful -, the bitter poetry are small but significant pieces who transforms an ordinary story about homophobia in a special pledge for tolerance. and this is the important thing. the silence, the relations, the victim, the image of happiness and error. so, a film who can not be reduced at the basic theme. and this is the great thing - to present, using the right tone, a forbidden love story. the rest is silence.
Paulo Nim (pas-junior) Despite me giving a 10 out of 10, I didn't like the movie. I only gave it such a high grade because I don't see any flaws in it, its writing is rather good.But before I dwell on the film itself, let me make a mini rant. Why do almost all gay romance movies feature the exact same structure? Two guys fall in love, they never had experience with the same sex before. One of them is more out and open-minded and accepts his feelings easily. The other is more 'masculine', probably dates a girl or has a wife and kids, and he denies his feelings. The out one pursues the other like a stalker with no self-respect and call it love. In the end, usually, the 'masculine' rejects the love. Most of the time, the effeminate dies. Other common elements are the homophobic society and absurd lack of ability of the characters to talk. I mean, why do they always talk so little, only a few small sentences. Why is it always so vague and sometimes cryptic? Is it some sort of artistic design I don't understand, but they all share? End of mini-rant.The movie is sweet and moves along at a nice pace. I got to say that happens more in this movie than in most of gay-themed movies. It shows very nicely how society can be cruel and how love is beautiful and then people ruin it. It felt, to me, like a period piece, I mean the village or whatever in which the story happens seems so outdated, but it might be the portrayal of existing rural places I've never been to. But they don't even talk about being gay, they talk about "being like that" and other vague sentences. I thought specially interesting how Aron's character is written. I also thought it would make more sense for him to suicide after killing his lover, at least from my point of view. It is also stated the movi is based on a real story. If it is, then the ending could not be changed. In this case, throughout its extension, the file lacked a 'punch', it would be more effective if it was more emotional and not so clean. Maybe the real story is not so gruesome too, but still the movie seems softon graphics, even if heavy on deepth. Ending my so-called review, I'd like to see this move, and others, being more original. But I guess you can't ask much of a movie made outside a big movie industry, which I'll bet it is the case.
Richard von Lust Although the themes in Land of Storms are well worn and familiar, this incarnation of the ills of homophobic society is particularly effective at alerting us to the madness of it. It is beautifully made both artistically and dramatically - in many ways it might even be a masterpiece of emotion. Szboliks hails from a small village in Hungary. He is a young professional footballer in a small German league team where he finds himself the subject of unsolicited attention from a fellow player, Bernard. There is a scuffle but the German team mates support Bernard over him and the young Hungarian is beaten to the extent that he returns to his home village. There he meets a young builder, Aaron, and eventually a sexual bond forms between them. But their parents and local community are vehemently opposed to any alternative lifestyle and their relationship appears doomed from the start. Eventually Bernard arrives for a visit and the stage is set for a compelling drama of refuted love and jealous passion. The performances from all characters are solid and entirely convincing. The script is perhaps a little labored but the tension created through the story is so strong that all other considerations are cast aside. The ending is both shocking and poetic - and the story is essentially true. A must see for all eclectic film lovers.
Laakbaar This is a quiet Hungarian movie about Szabi, a gay lad from rural Hungary. He befriends a guy on his soccer team in Germany (Bernard), but then gets sent home when they have a fight in the shower. Now back in his grandfather's old house in the country, he runs into Áron, a beautiful, handy young man who helps him repair the old house he's living in. One thing leads to the next, and he and Áron enter into a relationship. Áron is confused but eventually accepts his gayness. At this point Bernard shows up again, and things get complicated. He was in love with Szabi all along. Inexplicably forgetting all about gorgeous Áron, Szabi hops into bed with Bernard. However, after some awkward moments, in the end Szabi chooses local boy Áron (of course!) After seeing these beautiful young men in this idyllic setting, one wonders why everyone goes to Budapest when the action seems to be out here.The themes here are coming out, finding love and homophobia. Yes, the same themes as Brokeback Mountain. Parents and the town find out about it all, and their reactions are not positive at all, especially towards Áron. Things get ugly and violent and tragic.I thought the whole thing was very well done, and fairly interesting, although a little on the melancholy side. This is not a zippy American production. It's very much an Hungarian movie but I suspect Hungarians might cringe at this portrayal. I think it's important to remember that if the film had been set in Budapest, the story would have had a very different outcome. Rural Hungary here is a moral landscape, like Brokeback Mountain or an American small town in the 1950s.It's sometimes hard to dispel the mistaken notion that gay people lead tragic, doomed lives. Movies like this don't exactly help. However, a movie about happy gay people leading ordinary lives wouldn't be much of a movie. There wouldn't be any story or character development.At least now we understand that the tragedy befalls them not because they're gay (e.g. the sex things are shown quite positively and beautifully in this movie), but because of homophobia. This movie has that message too. It seems to be a story that filmmakers need to tell over and over again, in different settings and in different contexts. Bad things happen to gay people, yes, but it's not because they're gay. It's because they are persecuted. If Shakespeare were alive, he'd be telling the same story. It's too perfect.
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