| 06 October 2015 (USA)
Akron Trailers

Benny, a college freshman at the University of Akron, Ohio meets and falls for fellow freshman Christopher at a football game. With the support of their families and friends they embark on a new relationship. But a tragic event in the past involving their mothers soon comes to light and threatens to tear them apart.

AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
mite_cool 10... 10.. 10... 10 10... 10.. 10... 10 10... 10.. 10... 10 10... 10.. 10... 10
zif ofoz A story that is believable and told in a quiet civilized manner. Some of the other reviews here are needlessly harsh.But because it involves 2 boys who find each other and are attracted to each other some viewers loose their common sense. It's well worth watching. Don't expect A class acting but the story is handled well.
Mike Mondano The movie has a captivating plot (with an amazing coincidence that is a characteristic of usual Korean dramas). But I couldn't help but feel a backdrop of sermonizing, self-delusion, and undeveloped morality.It's pretty clear that we are supposed to sympathize with the mother, and later admire her for her forgiveness. But whom is she forgiving, and for what? She is angry at everyone but herself about the tragedy that occurred when by rights she was the person most responsible for it. She was the caretaker of the children that day and I fully expected her to have an epiphany that she was blaming everyone else because she was unable to forgive herself or acknowledge her ultimate blame. But that never came - we were left with her being some sort of hero of forgiveness when the people she forgave never deserved blame in the first place. Forgiveness is an act of condescension, a putting of oneself into a position of judgement. We are supposed to admire her act of self-aggrandizement. The movie ends without any resolution of her guilt and the message that sometimes we just need to forget. A bit of insight by the people involved would have raised the jejune level of human psychology displayed.
jm10701 If you saw every gay movie made since 1950, you'd never see one as good as Akron. It's not only the best gay movie made so far, it's one of the best movies period. You have to look at the very best ever--movies like Gone with the Wind and The Godfather--to find any that are better than Akron.Benny and Christopher meet as college freshmen. They get very close very fast. They're both extremely comfortable being gay, loved and fully supported by their friends and families, and they freely demonstrate their affection everywhere they go. It's marvelous to see.There is no homophobia anywhere in this movie, thank God. No bullies, no bashing, no parental disapproval, no coming-out angst. No hiding. No HIV. None of the other "curses" that most gay dramas wallow in. Critics may say Akron is unrealistic, but it's no less real than the negative crap we've already seen plenty of in gay movies.Akron shows a beautifully healthy and positive side of the gay experience that has been completely neglected in movies until now. There ARE families like this--lots of them--we just haven't seen them on screen before. There also is no melodrama in Akron, which is even more remarkable. Nobody overacts or over-reacts. Nobody ever does anything that doesn't feel completely genuine and true and natural and normal.There IS drama, but it's not centered on being gay. It turns out that the two families' paths had crossed in a terrible tragedy many years earlier, and when they discover that connection everything blows apart. The last half of the movie shows how each person in the two families (not just the lovers) deals with the newly-awakened pain.Small, unpretentious movies like this, about human beings relating to each other, don't win awards or sell tickets any more, but they're the only movies worth seeing. If you love blockbusters, you'll hate Akron; but if you love movies, you'll love this one. It's as nearly perfect in every way as a movie can be.