NR | 13 July 2013 (USA)
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A sexy, romantic and uncomfortably chilling tale of love and deception from first time director Marcelo Briem Stamm. Handsome middle class Manuel, hurt by his previous relationship and bored being alone, meets Julio, a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? All is revealed in this romantic, passionate drama/thriller that offers a shocking, strangely satisfying conclusion.

Lawbolisted Powerful
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
lollollolllo I liked the chemistry between the two leads, and I think the dialog helps to make them both relatable characters. I thought it was a little unrealistic how open and forward they were with each other immediately. The plot was also a little thin, but it went in unexpected directions. The twist ending was very surprising, probably because I was a little distracted. Unfortunately it conforms to the cliché that gay romances can't have happy endings.I would recommend watching this movie if you like long romance scenes between two very handsome guys, or if you like low-budget, low-key foreign indie thrillers where 60% of the characters are gay men brutally murdered with hammers.
Alfie Aliligay All I can say is that this movie deceived me, I don't believe as its genre tells Thriller all I thought is sort of Mystery/Drama. But the director well really do a great job, and a good choice of actors, explicitly acted and flavored by those gay scenes and nudity will surely catch the attention of audiences (especially gay audiences). It really drove you deeply with curiosity by the word "SOLO". It lingers in my thoughts that main protagonist are basically coping his loneliness but with unpredictable gestures, script lines and emotions by the actors can really made someone focus on what shall happens next. Then it come to finale that destroys my gay fantasy, as it leads to a crime that answer why he's "SOLO" or why the movie titled it is then answered.That Handsome Manuel got an angelic face that I only focused my eyes on him but then he's a devil within.
jm10701 (see upbeat UPDATE at end after second viewing)I loved the first part of this movie because it was very well written and acted, but the sexual attraction between Julio and Miguel was completely unconvincing. Weekend is much better in that regard (and in every other way too - there are too many superficial similarities to avoid comparing the two movies).Julio and Miguel were naked a lot, and the two actors are very, very attractive as individuals, but I never believed in them as a couple. The dialog was sexy, but the physical interaction between them was so tightly choreographed that it was more like ballet than sex. I found myself wishing for more talk and less sex, which is a first. Their conversations were fascinating; their sex was cold and phony.The story was pretty stupid, especially when it turned psycho at the end, but no more so than classic psycho thrillers like Psycho - realism is not a hallmark of the genre.For acting and intelligent dialog, Solo is a definite winner. I'm amazed that this is the only feature-length film either actor has made so far; they're both extraordinarily good looking and talented. But the story is overwrought, the sex unbelievable, and the ending tiresome and very predictable.UPDATE: I watched it again and liked it much more the second time. Knowing the ending makes me appreciate the writing even more than I already did. It is very intelligent and cleverly constructed. The sex is still unbelievable and cold, but everything else is really good. I'm adding four more stars.
Silitonga Honestly, when I first watched this film, somehow it's a little bit boring. Well, I think this is a low budget film, the cast only 5 people and mostly 80% shooting only in the same room of an apartment.But, I was surprise as the plot growing more complicated. The lead actor, Patricio Ramos as Manuel, played an innocent post-breakup gay and meet Mario Verón as Julio from online chatting. They have a different personality. Somehow, Julio look like the bad guy with tattoo and unclear past.Interesting life in just one night stand. The whole plot only happened whole night with flash back sometimes. Sex made, emotion build and future planned. But the truth conceal when another truth reveal a lies.